chinnuh's answer (3)

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Im soon-to-be 8th grader (it should be "soon-to-be a bigger trash" lol) Fujoshi from the Philippines( ノ^ω^)ノ Nice to meet y'all(*≧∀≦*)   reply
28 04,2018
Aijima Cecil and Camus from the game uta no prince sama They're so cute togetherrrr arghhh   reply
08 05,2018
Age:13 Gender/sex: Female Sexuality: Straight Country: Philippines First yaoi: Yuri on ice dj Fav yaoi genre: all sorts, but mostly about omegaverse and bdsm Fav yaoi: All Zaira Ranmaru's Manga Worst yaoi: Harami bara When did you start reading yaoi: when Im 11 or 12 y/o What got you into yaoi: C U R I O U S I T Y~ Do you know anyone else in real ......   2 reply
28 04,2018