Shades's answer page 1 (29)

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about piercings
Why should I respect trans peoples simply because they are trans? I respect peoples that deserve respect, it doesn't matter to me what the color of their skin is, what nationality they are from, if they are gay, lesbian, trans or whatever else. But I am not gonna respect a group of peoples just because they are trans, black or whatever.   5 reply
19 06,2021
A woman going crazy and started to pee everywhere in the classroom.   reply
26 01,2021
Shades 08 05,2021
I don't usually waste time with these test because most of the time they give BS result, but decided to do this one because I was bored and surprisingly I think it was fairly accurate. I don't think of myself as someone depressive, but I'm also not someone who enjoy life, I am kinda in the middle and those result kinda show that. Major Depression......   reply
08 05,2021
4-5 hours a day usually, except sometimes when my body decide it need more and i can sleep 12-13 hours in a day(usually happen once a month).   1 reply
22 09,2020
Shades 25 04,2021
Honestly, I don't have specifics song, to me music is something I use mostly as a background, I have music on near me most of the times, but usually at low volume so that it add to the atmosphere, but I don't really care what music play, except country, you will never hear me put country music :P   reply
25 04,2021
about question
Honestly, I probably would have pitied you or whatever, but if you're someone who say that they may kill someone over stupid kid stuffs like that, I am not sure who's the worse between you and your brother. Even if you said that as a joke, it doesn't change much, maybe that make it even worse.   reply
05 05,2021
I am sorry, i am not sure i am able to understand what you are trying to say. Yaoi is a popular japanese term that mean gay, so if peoples say yaoi is gay, it's because it really mean that.   3 reply
19 06,2019
I think they are all crazy bitches, but I am someone who think family is important, so as long as they don't do anything that will pass one of my limit, I will always think of them as family and help them in whatever way I can. Because of that though, they often take advantage of me, but since I can afford it, while it do make me angry, I never tho......   reply
08 05,2021
I am not sure if this question was meant only for female, but i will answer anyway. Personally the main reason i don't want to have a child is because i can't be sure that i will be able to give my child a good life. I don't want my child to have the same kind of family i did, i would want my child to grow up in a good environment. I alone would b......   1 reply
19 08,2019
There was a time where i was like that, but i ended up reading most of the good completed story so i started reading ongoing story. Still, i understand you, it's really frustrating to have to wait weeks, months, and sometimes even years before there's any real progress in the relationship.   reply
22 07,2019
Sub, english dub often feel mechanic and emotionless to me.   reply
07 02,2020
Fluently i can only speak french, i can speak english, japanese and russian. What i mean by that is in real life having conversation in french is no issue, but english, japanese and russian i have a lot of trouble, but i can read, write and listen without much issue. Nowadays i am learning chinese, but not seriously.   reply
19 08,2020
When peoples say that i am shy. I use to be shy when i was very young, but i have stopped being shy since i was like 7 or 8 years old. In reality i am just not social and i like to know what kind of person someone is before i start talking more with him or her. I use to be much more open, but i have been betrayed so often in my life that i am on gu......   reply
10 06,2019
about question
That's how it always end up when there's too much social feature on a site. It don't always end up in the same way because each sites is different, so how shitty it will end up is different from one site to another, even more so when there isn't any moderation, but it always without fail end up badly. That's what happen when so many peoples are s......   reply
22 05,2021
My first was Haruka Morishima from Amagami SS, i really liked her personality back then(and still do). My current one is Yohane from love live. And a special mention for Yoshino from Date a live. Although she never have been a crush of mine i always thought that if i had a cute little daughter like that i would be happy.   3 reply
18 12,2018
1 or 2, i have a really hard time finding manga that interest me nowadays, so my list is pretty small.   reply
27 12,2018
about have sex
I was a bully in the first 2-3 years of school after that I changed. When I was bullying peoples back then I thought what I was doing was fun for both me and them, it's only when I realized it wasn't the case that i changed and stopped doing that. After that point I felt guilty and tried to befriend those who were bullied to redeem myself. And then......   reply
24 03,2019
I also dislike those, it's always feel like it's added just to prolong the story, but it never add anything to the story. same with the contract these kind of story almost always have. I do not mind the idea of contract, but they are never respected, so it always feel like that was added to the story just to add a few more chapters with no value to......   reply
27 09,2023
I hate pretty much all my family. I hate my mother even though she have changed a lot of recent and become a somewhat decent person, i will never be able to forgive what she did in the past. She was the kind of person who would call the cop on me for stupid reason, was leaving for weeks will leaving 20$ behind to buy the stuffs we needed. Sent all......   1 reply
15 06,2019