Gragill's answer (14)

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I stopped reading One Piece when I entered collegue because I wanted to do a catching up marathon, but then my bf spoiled me showing me some anime episodes where they put looney toons sound effects and "revealed"(changed) the MC's powers so he's borderline a god somehow. Now I cannot bring myself to continue reading it. I started reading it a decad......   2 reply
22 06,2024
Gragill 29 09,2020
I'm pro choice, but with conscience. I consider a fetus a life worth protecting when it is possible for him to survive outside the womb, so during the third trimestre. So I don't really care about abortion for the first 5 months of pregnancy. When a woman has kept the pregnancy for almost half a year and then decides to abort, I start to judge nega......   reply
29 09,2020
about question
I still love mangas!! I feel that koreans are dominating the online comic at the moment, and since online comics have less barriers both for readers (easy finding, easy buying, easy pirating) and for authors (easy publishing, accesible tools for efficient creation and co-creation, large reach), it just has overwhelmed the industry, at least to its ......   reply
04 05,2024
Gragill 13 03,2021
I always thought that shounen/shoujo ai referred that it was literally boys/girls in the sense of it being more focused on romance and having little to no eroticism, not that there was pedophilia...   1 reply
13 03,2021
19   reply
13 03,2021
about question
Gragill 13 02,2025
1) You may be bisexual, just mainly attracted to women. You just haven't met or had the chance to get involved in a man that attracts you irl, and maybe it'll never happens only God knows. 2) You may just enjoy the way BL tropes develop. BL as a genre and as smut has it's own vibe that differs from GL and straight romances. There are many stories ......   reply
13 02,2025
Yes. But I actually don't mind. Fetishization of sexual relationships are often seen as something negative, but I think it's really common and practiced by everyone one way or another. I find men hot, and I love romance, so when I can find well-drained porn with a romantic plot, I enjoy it. Am I fetishizing men because I get aroused by them? Yes. I......   reply
29 09,2020
1. Extremely skinny characters. Usually is the uke. Like, narrow shoulders, stick legs and arms ( even though they somehow have hips and almost small boobs) . I find it distasteful to look at Idk why lol. Guess the worry of their body literally hurting in smut turns me off, and also because sometimes they just look like kids, and of course act like......   reply
20 01,2021
Bisexual, leaning to males though, as I find their bodies more beautiful than those of the females. One of my reasons to read bl tbh.   1 reply
25 12,2019
17-year-old female, have been into yaoi since about 4 years ago. 1) I've always been a really hard tomboy and love above all the male body (not only in a sexual way, I honestly admire the beauty of the male body), so being male has always kind of been a fantasy of mine, even before getting into yaoi itself. I'm still a virgin and I've never really......   1 reply
06 03,2019
Gragill 18 10,2020
Bisexual woman.   reply
18 10,2020
I've honestly never heard people bashing hetero romances just for being cliche... Romance as a whole has almost the same cliches one way or another, independent from the sexuality involved, the only thing you gotta watch out is if it is outright vanilla with annoying cliches or eroric ones that can get pretty disturbing.   reply
09 10,2020
Only once. He pushed me away and I never got to talk to him again. I was a foolish girl after all. I don't think he had even considered me his friend to begin. He was a nice guy though, I've always wandered what is of his life rn.   1 reply
04 05,2018
The only history of the term "fujoshi" I know is that it was a term used to describe women who would show sexual desire or indecency in the face of the conservative society of Japan, since they would not be the general pure-like lady standard expected of women. It was an insult to describe a sexual woman as a degenerate, a "rotten woman" . And the ......   reply
26 01,2021