Kiwwi's answer page 2 (81)

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U do a bird mating dance in costume and all   reply
7 days
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My brother-in-law's cat is named Giuseppe ┐⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠)⁠┌ oh and he had 2 pet ducks named Felipe and Isabella idk anymore   reply
27 days
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Bro's toes are as dexterous as Ponyo's But srsly wtf did i just read   1 reply
23 days
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Album: This Empty Northern Hemisphere by Gregory Alan Isakov Genre is folk and this is my husband and daughter's calming music. I particularly like the song, "Words" in that album bcos my husband used to sing it to me when i was pregnant as we slowdanced in the living room. Next in the album wud be "Idaho". It's my daughter's favorite coz she love......   1 reply
19 days
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I wanna kick his dick and balls in so hard it becomes a vagina and ovaries and he becomes the very being he such a creep for   1 reply
24 days
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Loud ppl in public spaces. Unfortunately, they're always teenagers and i used to be one and im sure i was pretty loud with my friends at that time too so i just forgive n ignore n accept that im getting old. Also hate extroverted co-workers who make being quiet as such a bad thing; like you're automatically a party-pooper for not running your mouth......   1 reply
5 days
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There's no easy way around it tbh. They'll have to tell their parents one way or another and accept whatever judgement that'll come their way. If they get a negative response from their parents, just know that it will pass eventually ESPECIALLY once they've worked their way into getting their own place where they'll be their own boss. I was in a s......   3 reply
8 days
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Wud be nice of you to pull out the eggcell with u on ur way out   reply
1 days
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im very different OL and irl. Online, im talkative, but irl im super antisocial. i despise the idea of wasting my time, breath, and memory capacity, talking to ppl i dont give af about. But im polite enough to respond with the bare minimum courtesy required in human interaction. But ever since i became a mom, ive had to put on a mask of friendline......   1 reply
7 days
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Carry around a large box cutter in my pocket everyday for 2 highschool years straight bcos i was a yandere wannabe teen ew   reply
7 days
Did u try saying "Do you know the muffin man?" in Gingy's voice out loud in there?   1 reply
7 days
Smtimes all that cheese and meat and other toppings make the pizza too salty for me (im salt sensitive) so i prefer my pizza with pineapples or smtimes raisins so the sugar in them will smwhat counter that saltiness. Its just a matter of preference   2 reply
6 days
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The scenario that came to mind is my husband being transferred into another body who's a husband/wife to different spouse and a father/mother to a different family and thats just horrible. I have a strong code regarding parents doing their job as parents and I personally wudnt break another family just to have my husband back (but my daughter needs......   reply
3 days
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That was well said n i cudnt agree with u more   reply
23 days
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I never really cared about religion and it's ritualisms, but when u pray ur supposedly doing it to comfort ur mind and soul right? If its just gonna weigh on you that u didn't do it "properly" by kneeling or whatever position it is u take when praying, then why should u personally even internalize that standard at all? It becomes another added burd......   1 reply
7 hours
At some point in the teenager-to-adult stage, friendships need to become flexible enough to not hold a conversation for months and even years, but when u do, still be and feel as friendly and as close as it used to be. And i mean w/o having to explain and apologize to each other about lost time every dmn time. Cos when you are adults, no friend sho......   1 reply
19 days
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Instead of songs I would want to listen to, I'd probably play my baby's favorite dance songs: 1. Boogie Wonderland (Earth wind & fire) 2. Let's groove (earth wind & fire) 3. September (earth wind & fire) 4. You should be dancing (bee gees) 5. Dancin (aaron smith and krono) My 1yr6mo old loves to dance and id rather have her spend her last moments ......   reply
29 days
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I boil whole pods of okra, chopped string beans and carrots (shaped kinda like fries) and dip them in soy sauce + lemon. I'm a big big fan of salmon sashimi but i dont get many chances to eat it so this is how i cope. The soy sauce n lemon flavor tricks me a bit into thinking that the sad veggies might actually be salmon. Its not rlly a meal but ......   1 reply
16 days
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You could just cut both of them off but u better tell your mom that ur gonna do that because of that asshole. If i were your mom itd make me sad to be unable to reach u but my first n foremost priority would be the safety of my own daughter so id understand. I saw u mention ur granddad in ur other post, maybe ask him to help and keep tabs on them i......   1 reply
24 days