suguru's toilet's question (17)

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about cosplay
So where I live it's very common to have maids, they do stuff like laundry, cleaning, cooking.. just basic house work. We actually had 2, one of them quit bc she fought with my sister so my mom brought a new one.

The thing is !! She kinda pisses me off BECAUSE she doesn't do what she is supposed to do. Let me give you basic examples, on Eid she was supposed to wake up early and do some stuff but she woke up at 11am and we had to do everything super late. Another example, after we eat lunch she is supposed to wash the dishes BUT SHE NEVER DOES IT SO I HAVE TO DO IT. Like instead of doing the chores she just hangs out on the rooftop and calls her friends/family/idk.

Now, I was complaining abt this to my friend and she called me a privilege and spoilt asshole. Like excuse me??? She is getting PAID to work and she isn't doing so, why would I not complain?? If it was once or twice okay BUT IT'S LIKE THIS ALMOST EVERYDAY. She always let the 2nd maid do everything ts makes me maaaad. And also she speaks in an impolite tone, like I don't really care but if she was nice at least I could feel bad. Most of the time, the girls who take such job don't have a good financial situation, their family depends on them and the salary isn't THAT high so I kinda understand my friend but I still got mad at her.

So aita ??
07 07,2024
about question
Toxic friend edition!!

- Removed my beanie in front of everyone knowing my hair was a mess
- Ignoring me for no reason (happens twice a month at least)
- Getting mad at me for no reason (she says that it's bc she has a lot on her plate but she doesn't treat our other friends like that AT ALL??? Only me)
- Telling me to shut it down when I talk about my interests even tho I listen to her every time
- Ignoring my texts but getting mad when I don't take her calls
- Tell my tea to friends we ain't even close to
- Tore one of my drawing but "it was just a joke"
- Telling me I'll go to hell bc I don't wear the hijab
- Telling me my ramadan wouldn't be accepted bc I got braids (literally yelled at me in the classroom)
- Said that I was looking for attention when I was depressed in high school
- Called me an attention whore/pick me bc I laughed all the time with our classmates
- Is very often mean, like REALLY mean to me but it's her love language and she was raised this way and i'm being too sensitive
- Said that the bday present I got her was trash when she gave me nothing

What about yall?? Share your toxic friends experience <3
15 07,2024
Ik it's an illegal porn site and blahblah but I feel like debating and seeing some controversy in there. And I also want to see yall opinions on this matter

So basically, yesterday there was a football match between Morocco and Congo, it was a draw, and towards the end a fight happened. Here a link to the video : (3rd slide)
So one congolese player, Mbemba, was making a prayer, then Morocco coach came to shake his hand as people often do in football, Mbemba took it but didn't look at the coach in the eyes, and then the coach lashed onto him repeatingly screaming "REGARDE MOI REGARDE MOI" or "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME!!". So Mbemba got angry as well, made him a fuck and the whole players came to fight. They even took it to the cloackrooms afcon is so fuckin unserious

Now, isn't it obvious, even without my explanation and just looking at the video, that the coach was in the wrong?? The majority is calling him out, saying that this was racism, but there are people blaming the player. Do you think it is related to his color ? Personally I don't know what to think, but it's perfectly justified to consider the way he treated Mbemba as racism. Yes, they were both heated bc of the match's adrenaline, but the coach acted towards him as if he was superior, and Morocco have a whole history of their blatant racism. Which lead us to the point.

Mbemba is receiving a lot and A LOT of racist comments under his instagram posts, with monkeys emojis and gifs, calling him names and such. Coming from who ? Moroccans obviously. Why did I decide to talk about it and why am I so fuckin mad (I'm typing calmly but i'm fuming rn) ?? BECAUSE THIS ISN'T THE 1ST TIME.

At every fuckin afcon Morocco, alongside with Algeria, Egypt and Tunisia will display racist behaviours over anything. They lose the match ? Racism. A draw ? Racism. A player from the opposing team scores ? Racism. EVERY. FUCKING. TWO YEARS. If it happened only with football, I could manage, but on social media north africans will behave this way at every fuckin occasion. A black girl is trending ? Racism. Another one said that arabs aren't her type ? Racism. A video about local food ? Racism. Black students having fun ? Racidm. Someone mocking their team for losing (as everyone does to every losing country in this competition) ? Racism. I'm not even kidding. If you were on french tok or french twitter, you would know how they jump at every chance to display their racism.

Also they have ALWAYS been saying shit like "we're not africans", that they don't want to mingle with us, that they are superior. Not too long ago an algerian said that Ivory coast was at prehistoric age and that Algeria should have been located between Portugal and Spain. But then they come crying and try to pull the "we're africans too!" card only when it suits them. Like, people are also being racist towards the coach which isn't okay at all but can I blame them?? AT EVERY AFCON AND EVERY OCCASION they call us monkeys and such and we only say things like "stop" "yall are racist" "as always" but this time people decide to retaliate and now you're africans??? Don't make me laugh. 2024 VOUS TIREZ ON TIRE

I've only ever hold a grudge against whitos but honestly I prefer yall to north africans. At least yall aren't hypocrites, you hate us and you don't hide it but them ?? "We're brothers!!" "We're all the same!!" meanwhile they beat black immigrants to death or push them to suicide (Tunisia i'm looking at you).

Now, OF COURSE I'M GENERALIZING. THERE ARE NON RACIST NORTH AFRICANS, OF COURSE, YALL AREN'T ALL EVIL. Actually, even if yall hate us to the core, I do not hold any hatred towards you. Just disappointment and resentment. But you can't blame me for generalizing when the same situation has been happening for years now. We're sick and tired.

Please go show some love to Mbemba and share your thoughts. As always sorry for all the yappin I care too much

Mbemba's post :
22 01,2024
Ppl say that i'm the biggest picky eater ever but i dont think it's that bad ?
I don't like vegetables (except for potatoes), seafood, anything mint flavoured, raisins, melon, boiled eggs, chocolate ice cream, couscous and some meals from my country. It could be worse right?
Share your dislikes too!!
06 01,2024
I know this question comes back a lot in forum but what yall gonna do anyway

I hate when the attitude of characters towards the villainess changes only because someone else got transmigrated into her body.

Like, as a kid, the villainess will get abused or neglected by her family for literally no reason. When she grows up, the male characters will dislike her even tho she never did anything to them, AND BEFORE SHE EVEN BULLIES THE FL FROM THE STORY.

But as soon as a random woman possesses her, EVERYBODY LOVES HER!!!! Because she is mature unlike other kids, because she is smart, because everything she invests in never fails, because she is quirky.. All of a sudden she becomes the center of the attention.

What makes my blood boil is why don't the fls see any problem with that??? You read the story, you empathisized with the vilainess, cursed the characters who made her into what she is, even pretended to like her. But as soon as you are her, YOU FORGET ABOUT EVERYTHING AND SUCK UP TO THE MALE CHARACTERS EVEN AFTER HOW THEY TREATED THE VILLAINESS??!?!??! I can understand if she does it to survive (SHE SHOULD STILL HATE THEM THO) but when they're like "I will make them love me in this life uwu :3" OMGGG WHY!?!!??? AREN'T YOU ASHAAAAMED THIS IS LITERALLY BETRAYAL!!!

Me personally if I got reincarnated into a character who got hated for no reason I'd either seek revenge or not hide my hatred towards those fuckers. Especially if I liked that character, ain't no way I will be buddy with the mfs who mistreated you.

I fuckin hate the most when fathers decide to love their kid because she doesn't act like other kids and is mature for her age. Fuckin assholes.

2nd point is when the romance starting point is the fl taking care of the ml and then the ml is in love/obsessed. It doesn't feel genuine AT ALL. Like any random person could have saved/protected him and he would be in love.

Last point is related to the 1st one. We know that male characters will now be interested in the villainess bc she is different. But let's be for real, if she was ugly, they still wouldn't give a fuck. What I mean is, if the fl who got reincarnated kept her "mid" appearance (like she IS the villainess but with HER body), her being quirky and smart would be overlooked let's be fr. They don't like the "changed villainess" only bc she's a better person now but bc they have always been pretty. Fls should get transmigrated with their basic looks and they will see how hard it is
This is why I will seduce the Northen Duke is >, fl comes from another world but is still a baddie !!

Yapping session over
25 05,2024
Idk if you saw the "war" between jujutsu kaisen fans and omniscient reader's viewpoint fans on tiktok but shit is so ridiculous it's getting on my nerves. THEY ARE FIGHTING OVER A DAMN SONG

At 1st I didn't care but seeing how jjk fans are handling this makes me mad. Ik it's annoying to see orv fans saying "IT BELONGS TO ORV!!" "THAT ONE ORV EDIT" under every post using skyfall but do jjk fans gotta be so toxic about it ? You can just say that everybody can use the song and that's it. But they are saying bullshit like "nobody knows what's orv is" "orv is trash" (when they didn't read a single chapter) or even worse, they are spamming under that one orv edit things like "this is what yall hyping ?" "Jjk edits are better" and idk what. Honestly orv fans are annoying af for this but when I see tiktoks saying that jjk owns skyfall I understand their reaction. And they're not even toxic about it, i've seen no orv fan trashing jjk for this but them ? They're being lame af bruh.

Not only that but I also saw a tiktok talking about the new season of demon slayer and jjk fans took over the comment section with "who cares when there is jjk" "everybody completely forgot with what's happening in shibuya" "is demon slayer still a thing" AAAAAAAAARRARARRARAGH WHAT IS WRONG WITH YALL-
If you don't care JUST SCROLL!?!?! WHY DO YOU FEEL THE NEED TO MENTION JJK EVERYWHERE WHAAAAT!?!? NOBODY FUCKING ASKED THIS IS ABT DEMON SLAYER !!! I thought that the jjk fandom was the best among new animes but they are getting so toxic since season 2 it's crazy. I remember getting trashed on when I said I prefered csm over jjk, didn't even say it was better BUT THAT I PREFERED IT, and they called me a pedophile supporter I kid you not.

Anyway what do you think
15 12,2023
I have a whole list and so many things to say sorry

- Deku (mha)
The hate is so forced, like yes he cries a lot and shit but he's just a 16 yo ? And his sensitivity is literally one of his most important character traits, if you can't stand it it's your problem but saying that he's a trash mc bc of that is such a dumb take. Not only that but bro was literally bullied his whole life, always wanted to become a hero but had no alter and all of a sudden his idol aka THE NUMBER ONE HERO IN THE WHOLE WORLD comes and makes him his successor ? And you want him to master the One for All, aka the alter of THE NUMBER ONE HERO IN THE WHOLE WORLD in two seasons ? Yall gotta be fr one sec. Yes it took a long time but at least it's realistic, and following the process was fun. He's literally so sweet and got such a character development (season 6 went crazy). I can't trust people who hate him.

- Kim Dan (jinx)
Since when was blaming victims a thing ? "He's so annoying" "he's crazy" "he's a lost cause" BRO HAS NO FRIENDS, NO PARENTS AND NO MONEY !! BRO GOT ASSAULTED BY LOAN SHARKS ON A DAILY BASIS !! BRO LOST HIS JOB BC OF A PERVERTED MF DOCTOR !! BRO GETS VERBALLY ABUSED, BULLIED AND RAPED IN EVERY FUCKIN CHAPTER !! If we must hate someone hate Jaeshit or the author but not Dan wtf. I personally hate the way the author wrote him but I would never blame him or call him annoying just bc he's getting abused and developed a protective mechanism, aka "liking" that son of a bitch.

- Wonyoung (4th gen IT girl)
Wonyoung haters are either mysoginistic or jealous or the two. Fuckin pathetic donkeys with no life hate on her for breathing when they would kill to look at least half as pretty as her.

- Yuna and Leeseo (Itzy and Ive)
The exact same as I said for Wony, the haters are just pathetic. Leeseo is literally 16 bruh. She's so iconic for her "dibeuuuu" in the last mama I was so proud Same for Yuna, she breathes and yall hate on her or spread lies like "hip pads" "surgery" just say you're jealous and move on. Kpop stans are so weird, they send death threats to idols for being cringe but when they do racist stuff nobody bats an eye. Embarassing

- Lisa (Blackpink)
People who were calling her a whore bc she performed at Crazy horse girl must be mentally insaneGrow up and go take a shower

- Minjae from Another lie
I won't accept any Minjae slander about him whoring around, it's his reaction to his trauma. Not a good reaction ofc but disliking him bc of that is weird. Also the whole "he's so annoying!" he literally just want the mc to leave him alone ? He's the one pushing himself into Minjae so don't be surprised when he reacts badly bruh. I didn't like the way he forced the mc in that one chapter tho.. Anyway Minjae is slowly opening his heart and he will be healed for sure, let's root for them!!

- Ash from Banana Fish
Never seen an Ash hater in my life (except for homophobic disgusting dudes on insta but they don't count as human beings), but I saw somewhere that the author said that he deserved to die??? Bc of how many ppl he killed ??? Correct me if i'm wrong, but if the author really said that then she's a fuckin bitch. YOU'RE THE ONE WHO PUT HIM THROUGH HELL AND YOU SAID THAT HE DESERVED IT WTFFF, HE WAS LITERALLY DEFENDING HIMSELF AND TRYNA SURVIVE!!! YOU PUT HIM INTO THE MAFIA THING AND YOU DARE TO SAY THAT!?!?! HE WAS 17!! A FUCKIN TEENAGER FFS!! I literally cried when I saw this cuz even the very own person who created him is against him. Heartbreaking.

Imma stop there cuz I talk too much sorry I rant a lot
12 12,2023
It can be a movie, a manga, a book, a celebrity, a song, a dish..
I'll start with Olivia Rodrigo, Billie Eillish, mha, zendaya, Lost in the clouds, skz, mayo. I swear some people will call anything that is popular but don't like overrated.
20 03,2024
My best reads are The boxer and Our sunny days
Worst read is jinx ofc
22 12,2023
So I finished reading A little life (I am in SHAMBLES rn) and I'm back to my reading books era, so recommend me the BEST books (if it could be sad or dark or traumatic or just like a little life it would be great) you've ever read. Also I LOVE plot twists btw so recommend me stuff that will blow my mind (I'm not really into detective stories tho)
It can be online novels (stuff like orv as an example) or wtv it don't matter
21 02,2024
Am I the only one who literally can't answer this question ?? The 1st time I saw this on tiktok it got me thinking for a good second and after seeing the comments it got me even more confused. If you say 10 then you're overconfident and it's not objective, if you say below 5 you're fishing for compliments OR your self esteem is too low. Like how do one even rate themselves ? If it's personality-like, I'd give myself a 5, quick and easy but physically ? It's just so hard like.. I legit don't know if I'm pretty or not.
Like my friends and sometimes strangers give me compliments but I can't believe that they're genuine ?? I just think "oh they're being nice but don't actually mean it" ykim?? I love taking pics and vids of myself and giggle when I look at them buuut idk if I'm being delulu or if I'm really pretty lol life is weird

Anyway the safest answer would be 6/10 ig, what do u think?? And how much would u rate yourself ?
17 01,2024
about crying
I just watched Get out and when I told that to my friend she was so shocked and then I realized that i didn't watch a loooot of "iconic" stuff

So I never watched Interstellar, Inception, lord of rings (I read the book tho), Le parrain, Game of thrones, casa de papel, riverdale, euphoria, stranger things, men in black, encanto, the shining, scream, op, bleach, there is probably more

28 12,2023
about question
Everybody and their momma hates Love is an illusion and waterside night but Byeol and Euiyoung are so freaking adorable
09 04,2024
If you give any other reply than the ml from Secret lady you're def lying
22 06,2024
I remember that one time when we had a math exam and the teacher gave us our grades, literally nobody passed and we had like 0.25/20, 0.5/20, 01/20 and so on and we were laughing our asses off, I literally fell out my chair when he called my friend's name and said 01/20 I managed to have 05/20 which was the 2nd highest grade after that one dude who got 08/20 lmfaooo the whole school heard us cuz we were literally screamin
08 02,2024
And let people rate it
28 01,2024
Let me start

- People who can't swim
Your lack of survival skills irritates me

- Short people
You little gremlins make me uncomfortable

- Dreadheads darkskins
Cuz what you gotta be so beautiful for !? And why aren't you located in my country ? Yall majestic niggas make me mad

- Picky eaters
Like just eat your damn food

- Cheerful people
What you so happy about

- People who celebrate valentine day
I hate yall with a burning passion

- Lactose intolerant people
Did you try to tolerate it ?

- Muscle mommies
Why aren't you mine already!??

- People whose parents are in a happy relationship
Fym your parents go on dates and hug each other !?

I have more but let's stop there
09 02,2024