Thepussyqueen's answer page 1 (47)

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Delete yourself from the internet   3 reply
28 09,2023
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this is a fed DO NOT ANSWER!!   reply
25 08,2024
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I actually made this   3 reply
10 06,2024
about question
Log out bitch you done. Realistically, do not ask things like this. Even if it's bait, it's still odd. If you are seriously this bored PLEASE pick up a hobby and get off this site, draw, read, scrapbook. If you already have a hobby do that.   1 reply
03 01,2025
about question
I don't know why I have so many. If u ask for sauce I might not know cuz these r OLD!!   1 reply
10 days
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Tits (and booty)   1 reply
19 01,2025
Women??? Like REAL women, irl women. But when it comes to fictional women I'm like dead, but then fictional men HELL YES!!! Real men? You've lost me.   reply
24 10,2024
about question
Genuinely wtf. That's actually disgusting. Literally get help, I can tell your mentally ill. This is disgusting, please get off this website and get help from a professional.   3 reply
21 09,2024
This is a true schizophrenic right here.   reply
13 05,2024
about question
Depends on if you enjoy it or not.   reply
01 12,2024
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Uhhhh when I was like 8 or 9 my older brother told me to kill myself (LMFAO IDEK WHY, and i was lowkey considering it   2 reply
26 08,2024
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Remove your uterus Remove your uterus Remove your uterus Remove your uterus Remove your uterus Remove your uterus Remove your uterus Remove your uterus Remove your uterus Remove your uterus Remove your uterus Remove your uterus Remove your uterus Remove your uterus Remove your uterus Remove your uterus Remove your uterus Remove your uterus Remove y......   1 reply
18 12,2024
30 09,2023
about question
I believe it's because most people see queer relationships as only sexual. Since people tend to push the idea that mlm or wlw is pure desire and not a sexuality.   2 reply
11 01,2025
my duo lingo pop?   reply
02 06,2024
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So basically and, that's how, then I just yk, with the, but I should be, and yeah!!!   2 reply
27 08,2024
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11 01,2025
Guess.   reply
11 01,2025
about question
Cuz I'm waiting till my birthday, (feb 13)   2 reply
02 11,2024