Lyne's answer (6)

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I tried reading on other websites but it just didn't feel the same :,)   reply
04 04,2021
09 05,2021
٩( 'ω' )و   reply
09 05,2021
about penpals
04 08,2018
I'd like to join too! My line ID is green_tea_mochi   reply
04 08,2018
about penpals
Hiii!! I'd love to be friends or join a group chat if you make one! My line ID is green_tea_mochi! (≧∇≦)   1 reply
02 07,2019
Got Keqing at AR 24 while pulling for Venti and I still havent gotten him _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):   reply
07 04,2021
about penpals
23 06,2019
Line id: green_tea_mochi   reply
23 06,2019