Ajua_ヽ(・∀・)ノ's answer page 1 (26)

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When they dirty talk during doing it except its the "i dont want this" "but you do" or the "don't lie, look at you" (I swear, these top can't understand sentences and definitely fail language class )   2 reply
24 01,2024
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HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CHOOSE WHEN THERES SO MANY GIRLIES OUT THERE THAT I LIKE ESPECIALLY THE ONE FROM WAY BACK IN MAH YOUNGIN DAYS,!!??!! ━━☆>^) o(≧▼≦○〃 Anyways the ones on the top of my head right now is: Sakura, Tomoyo, Meiling- card captor Sakura Chocola, Vanilla- Suagar sugar rune Miya- Yumerio Parissiere Rosalyn, Mar......   reply
09 03,2024
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School. I get how theres a lot that happens in school. Sometimes I hear the weirdest and fkup sht about people in school, And I can’t find myself to understand how they even be like that, genuinely thought my school was a pretty chill community until I kept hearing from people I know which was pretty well known/extroverted(they are pretty invol......   reply
17 04,2024
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I don’t remember him being British, why did I make him British??????! Anyway they are lovers your honor   reply
22 07,2024
… Idk why but he reminds me of someone… can’t point my finger it though (PURPLE)(KitKat)   3 reply
24 12,2024
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The oc that was supposed to be a carefree airhead that slowly turns into a stalker cause i made him his friend biggest fan, bro ain’t escaping the allegations   reply
20 11,2024
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That if you whistle you would have to slap your mouth ten times or else ghost and spirits would follow you around…. It was pretty believable to me back then along side with the fact that one of my sibling whistle and then my Ma pointed at the footprints following them, which I’ve now long realized was just from the powder on the feet rather tha......   1 reply
30 03,2024
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.. idk about this one, but so far Turning seems to fit into the criteria, I’m not sure if the novel ended yet but there’s also a comic for it if you have not read it yet… Ml is genuinely a green flag, he just came of a bit red at first due to… reason, like rumor and our Mc being a bit of an unreliable narrator and bias? If that’s the righ......   2 reply
17 04,2024
Being one of the oldest in my friend group they called me a grandma/ says I was like a grandma and I went along with it saying they can call me ajumma, and it stuck so they kept calling me that… I just took the mm out   reply
20 03,2024
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Cutiess Never heard of this before tbh   1 reply
16 11,2024
I dreamt of you last night.”/ “you were in my dreams” Is the first line that I can think of. I honestly did dreamt of them though and I just happened to need something to talk about so I just said that and then I went on a full ramble on what I’ve dreamt about.   1 reply
14 04,2024
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All I’m saying is that I’m not the first offender in this household so I don’t think they care much   reply
15 11,2024
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Nope! Ahahah, although I will be gifting a friend a size accurate standee of a character they love a few day before valentine so I’m basically playing Cupid???? Idk they love the character so me bringing it to them would make me Cupid right?   reply
03 02,2024
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To be honest with all of you have you noticed the increase in amount of male omega lately? Maybe it’s just me or something to do with where I live but I keep seeing and hearing more about Alpha male/Omega male pairs,,,, not that I have a problem with it of course but the increase is worrying cause something is bound to go wrongs! (I feel vanill......   reply
13 08,2024
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Few years late but whatever I got nothing better to do.. I tried to make him look or fit with my personality and appearance as close possible but he kinda reminds me of the guy that would look at me writing and call me stupid or sigh and go “really?” Like damn ok I know I’m stupid but like no need to call me out for it, fk u bro I work bad u......   reply
23 03,2024
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06 11,2024
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wow a normal modern world that just happens to have some paranormal activity As long as I’m not a bully or being bullied then or somehow piss of the main character, then I can live peacefully And I mean, I already got a preview of what imma be like so :3me fr   reply
26 07,2024
I did it twice First personality trait was a tsundere and next was rude… I think it’s trying to tell me something   2 reply
03 07,2024
Sorry chat I’m more of a biter than a receiver! Get ready, if I can I will bite ya if ya try, unconsensual bitter will have to fight, and if I get my hands on them I have seasoning ready to pour on their wounds, salt, pepper, lime, lemon, chili, anything that will sting! I’ll make sure to rub it in real good   reply
29 07,2024
1) I feel no romantic interest in the people in around me and only see them as acquaintance, sure there are some I’m close to that I’d flirt with or spoil with gifts but it’s never something serious and I feel only affection but not romantic interest. 2) I did had a fast crush on someone only to not see them anymore and when I tried talking ......   reply
20 03,2024