RemiC's answer (12)

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about your pets
RemiC 24 11,2023
he tolerates belly rubs until he wants (if not im dead)   reply
24 11,2023
Narcissism. I just feel like im better than everyone else (or i wanna be) so i try to hv better grades, looks and personality than the nerds and school princes/princesses. but i also compare myself to dumb people to boost my self confidence. but what really keeps me going is an extremely common asian phrase "if you have da good grades, then da l......   1 reply
30 01,2024
Random name generator and I like this name ( the c was catriona but i wrote the initails)   reply
24 12,2023
about question
this girland this mf   reply
23 11,2023
about question
RemiC 17 hours
i love dogs but im not allowed to touch stray dogs. i pet a stray dog secretly today and the dog was happy to be pet too.   reply
17 hours
died from adorableness   1 reply
08 11,2023
about question
probably BIFLER or DEFENESTRATION (defenestration means to throw someone out of the window) (search the meaning of bifler at your own risk)   2 reply
13 10,2023
about dating
intp here!   reply
29 11,2023
~here mine~ (THEY DONT HAVE ANYTHING IN GOLDEN)   1 reply
28 10,2023
vamp in disguise   reply
28 10,2023