krisp401's answer (6)

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hmn well it did help me get thru some tough times, also helped me get a better sense of what i want from a relationship.   reply
10 11,2019
yes. started having them when i was fifth grade, but everything rlly spiralled out of control in high school in which i was hospitalized 6 times from sophmore yr to the first semester of college. i would have suicidal ideations more often than thoughts and had made several attempts, but thankfully they all failed. in highschool, i was in group ther......   1 reply
08 11,2019
sag,, id probs be that omega that wants to be an alpha n pretend that i am one lmao   1 reply
04 11,2019
kros#1814 ,, would love to join   reply
23 06,2020
sekaiichi hatsukoi, and yes i deserve financial compensation for the time period of bl that existed during this time.   reply
25 06,2021
krisp401 22 06,2020
im too dumb to enter omg   1 reply
22 06,2020