Patches's answer (14)

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I really dislike it as a plot device where the love interest rapes the person they love like pal, if you're raping them I highly doubt you love them in a healthy way. If they really loved them they should want them to be happy and never come to harm. Especially hate those one's were they're against it, start being raped, and then like it ??? like a......   1 reply
19 03,2018
A swarm of rats... Guess I'll have to find a way to get off the floor aha ;;   reply
05 04,2018
My first was probably like Danny Phantom from (SURPRISE!) Danny Phantom or Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Currently, waaaay too many to name and can't pick an ultimate favourite.   reply
19 04,2018
Some friends know I read manga but not what specifically, family doesn't at all (mostly cause I don't think they know what manga is anyway). I feel like if anyone knew they'd get the wrong idea. I like to read it for the stories and art. I used to read a lot of shoujo manga but stopped because the tropes started to annoy me and it was hard to find ......   reply
16 09,2019
No way! My hair takes a zillion years to grow. I've only ever had it trimmed and in my 20ish years of living and growing it, it only reaches my armpits lol. I was overjoyed when it passed my shoulders and though sometimes I have weird thoughts about cutting it above my shoulders I recover my mind within a few minutes and mentally slap myself heh. I......   2 reply
17 03,2018
Unless I develop an interest in sex in the future pretty sure I'll die a virgin and I'm 100% for it. Find no appeal in sex and no appeal in having children so no reason to lose virginity for me ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
18 03,2018
I mean first anime was probably Pokemon but first anime I knew was anime was Vampire Knight. A bunch of my friends were watching it and it was on tv so I decided I'd watch it too. First manga... probably some super duper cheesy Shoujo one. Can't remember a name or anything but it definitely would've been Shoujo.   1 reply
15 03,2018
I think I was probably grossed out a bit. Wasn't expecting it after all, didn't read with the goal of seeing sexual acts. I used to skip over any sexual stuff cause I was interested in the story/characters didn't really care about seeing them go down on one another haha. Then it became me cruising over and occasionally laughing at the scenes becaus......   reply
19 03,2018
Age: Close to 20 (● ̄(エ) ̄●) Gender: Female Sexuality: Asexual Country: Mars of course ( ̄∇ ̄") First Yaoi: I'm not certain but probably Lucky Number 13 Favourite Genre: Shounen Ai & Fantasy Favourite Yaoi: Off the top of my head Itou-san but there's many faves Worst Yaoi: Don't care enough to remember them Started Reading: Uhhh... I'm ......   reply
19 04,2018
I'd like to get married. Having said that, mutually falling in love with someone and wanting to spend the rest of our lives with each other sounds like a dream. I've never dated a soul because I'm uber shy so the person would have to approach me and well, that's never happened aha. Additionally I'm asexual and currently don't plan on ever having s......   reply
19 04,2018
I'm asexual. I wouldn't classify myself as LGBTQ though.   1 reply
19 04,2018
Attraction at first sight? Definitely. Love? No.   1 reply
15 09,2019
Never. I'm waaaaay too shy to ever do something like that. Granted, I haven't had many crushes - probably 3 all back during school. First was my sibling's friend who I hung out with a few times. Second was a classmate I spoke to a few times then the next year we didn't have any classes together so moved on but then the last three years of school we......   reply
18 03,2018
Well when I became interested in anime I discovered manga too. Used to read shoujo and I do still read some shoujo stuff but after a while the repetitiveness of the art style and plot made my interest fall. Can't remember how exactly I stumbled upon it but started reading shounen ai/yaoi and I liked it a lot more. Sure the genre has its own repetit......   reply
19 03,2018