Drinks's answer (3)

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Why am I the only one sweating? Hehe... I'm just a glasses gal who's always nervous... I somehow found a way to not look hot, and that's when I try to be closest as the real me as possible┗( T﹏T )┛ what does it mean???   3 reply
25 04,2021
I just realised I need to exercise to be fit in the eventuality this happens. I wanna be a hot guy and get to fuck anyone ヾ(☆▽☆) as of now tho I'd just end up a fat guy so... unless I can prove I was a girl and so know how to make them cum I prob won't get any ( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
19 02,2018
1) Alarm set to 7am but snoozing till 8 2) make an actual breakfast with coffee and play games silently while ignoring my dad working calls in the same room (cramped here and he doesn't have headphones) 3) 10:30am walk to work (cuz when else imma be outside????) 4) noon, be completly fucked because we're understaffed and somehow everyone NEEDS to b......   reply
16 04,2020