Merlot's answer page 3 (55)

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They went to the same med school (different classes, dad was a year older). He asked her out, and that was that, lol.   reply
18 11,2023
about question
Somehow ending up as a gainfully employed adult with my own life and healthy relationships, despite having grown up in an extremely neurotic and dysfunctional family. During my late teens I did not think this was ever going to be possible for me.   reply
12 01,2024
I mean... a lot of people are just bad at sex. It's portrayed as this thing that's amazing all the time, but tbh it's not - if your partner has no idea what turns you on beyond the common physiological points, then yeah... sex will be a waste of time and energy. If you're doing it with a partner that you actually click with and are sexually compat......   reply
27 09,2023
about question
Merlot 07 01,2024
I'm sorry you're experiencing something like this. What you are feeling is real, and a coping response to the circumstances you are going through right now. Both feelings, negative though they are, are indicators of your own awareness towards deserving, and having potential, for better. I obviously don't know your exact circumstances, but it sound......   reply
07 01,2024
Here's my ultimate favourite that fits the criteria: I read it years ago, then lost track of it but couldn't forget about it. It's so beautiful.   reply
22 04,2024
No. In Sweden, we have bananas on pizza instead, which works much better.   1 reply
10 11,2023
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Of all the feelings I've had towards this hellscape of a website, respect is not one of them. I like it, though. It's full of degenerates which keeps the standard of coexistence on a tolerably manageable level. No one is better than anyone because we've all read weird shit we don't want to be associated with. That said, no one IRL even knows I kno......   reply
01 10,2023
Merlot 25 11,2023
As a gay man, I absolutely agree. Not to say that there aren't people IRL with strict preferences, but in fiction there seems to be a strong adherence to gender roles even in portrayals of gay couples (you can tell that the authors tend to have a "which one is the woman in this relationship" way of thinking when writing gay couples).   reply
25 11,2023
Merlot 03 12,2023
What kind of bank would process 70k worth of transactions that are out of the ordinary? Because if you don't have an established pattern of spending 70K-range in a day, then most banks (depending on where you are and what kind of bank you're using) would flag expenditures of that scale as abnormal and require confirmation (via a phone call). And fo......   reply
03 12,2023
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So 3 people have died after she had met them one-on-one? No way the cops aren't after her. She carves 5 figures but gets arrested before she manages to do the 6th. She's held in jail pending investigation, but when the cop goes to check on her in the morning, all he sees is a small wooden figure that resembles the girl: she couldn't carve the 5th ......   1 reply
01 06,2024
This would be nice! I'd join!   reply
28 08,2023
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IDK if anyone here knows/remembers the original gogo figures? From the mid-90s, lol. They were a huge phenomenon in my elementary school back in the day, and for some reason (I can't remember how and why) I ended up running some dumb gambling operation where I would set up games, and to participate the players would have to bet on a gogo figure tha......   reply
03 02,2024
Merlot 18 10,2023
but what if my homies are my "girls"?   reply
18 10,2023
about question
Hot: medium roast & with oat milk. Iced: cold brew, dark roast & with full milk. But tbh if there's only one kinda coffee being served, I'll drink it so long as it isn't sweet.   reply
28 10,2023
IDK tbh. We're nearing the end of January and I'm already tired, lol.   reply
23 01,2024