Onigiri's answer (9)

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about penpals
We're same and I'm also 19 years old from Southeast asia but I live right now in U.S.my Line id:onigiri_ai   reply
26 06,2018
about penpals
I'd like to join too,hope its not too late.line id:onigiri_ai   reply
26 06,2018
about penpals
Onigiri 26 06,2018
Please add me,my line id:onigiri_ai   reply
26 06,2018
about penpals
I also don't have any friends who loves anime,my line id is onigiri_ai.I would love to chat about many things.I'm 19 year old Southeast asian from California   reply
26 06,2018
I was probably 16 when i accidentally bought the junjou romantica dvd and i didn't really care what i buy as long as it is romance and when i watched it i was like "what's this?there's no girl or is misaki actually a girl?"then i watched it again and agian then came to like it,that's the end of my innocence as just a normal otaku.   reply
26 01,2018
My first anime crush was Rekka from flame of Recca when i was 7 and Gohan then Hiei at Ghost fighter   reply
26 01,2018
I didn't got a chance to.He was 3rd year College student and i was 2nd year College student,he was CompSci and i was I.T so we were on the same building and he was just so cute and so much looks like Irie Naoki japan live action and a little bit of like L's hair in death note,i'm just the type that i keep it and so until he graduated i couldn't tel......   1 reply
26 01,2018
about penpals
Onigiri 27 06,2018
Can i still join?my id line:onigiri_ai   reply
27 06,2018
about penpals
I'm looking for friends to talk lots of with,my line id is onigiri_ai   1 reply
27 06,2018