Rabbit's answer (4)

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AGE: Just turned 15 GENDER/SEX: I am a female rabbot (hi to all those who know me ;) I will disappoint you greatly) SEXUALITY: kinky COUNTRY: down under, the best city (7 years runnin') FIRST YAOI: Love stage (or what I can remember at least) FAV YAOI GENRE: Dark, twisted, anything fucked up (   reply
10 07,2018
about penpals
Pals who pen each other across a long distance   reply
10 07,2018
Everything. My life has gone down a not bad, but unwanted path. I have made some decisions that could've been answered better. A specific time? Year 4 (10). I was warming up to being considered a "big kid" and my whole persona changed in the making. It resulted in some over bearing expectations of myself an others. what you could learn from me: -b......   1 reply
27 08,2018