Shan's experience (2)

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Not sure if it qualified as a ‘crush’ but the very young me was instantly mesmerized by Angelina Jolie when I first saw her in a movie. Bluntly speaking, no other actors or actresses were able to make me wanna bother searching for their names to remember. The child me felt sad when I asked someone and they said they didn’t think Angelina was ......   reply
11 06,2021
Shan 11 06,2021
“What goes around comes around” And fundamental changes are necessary for a stable application and growth - I beat myself up by my emotions a lot, and it can both be good and bad. The bad side is obvious, but the (arguably) good side is I know I can never feel “free” unless I figure out the root of problems and solve them mentally. Only wh......   reply
11 06,2021