ㅇㅅㅇ's question (4)

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First i wanna start with two things 1) English is not my first language so i'm really sorry if there's any grammatical/spelling errors, 2) Again, i know this site isn't meant to talk about stuff aside from manga/yaoi/series but i basically have no influence so i figured the least i could do was to bring awareness on here(? :l.

So, I'm from Colombia and currently we're going through a pretty hard time as a country, everyone is protesting right now because the president wants to put a tax reform ( they've back down now, saying there'll be some changes on it, and the one who proposed it will be promoted :) ). To give y'all a little bit of context, this is the part most of us are upset about:
- 19% tax on basic needs like water, gas, electricity, family basket and funeral services, when the minimum wage is no more than $200 USD a month and 42,5% of the population is in poverty

Currently we're still protesting (i can't since i'm a minor but some of the protest are happening near where i live), but it's kinda hard since most of us are getting killed by the police :), there are 28 ppl missing and 7 have been k!lled, not only adults but children too -these are not updated facts btw, i know there's more than that but i can't pinpoint a number-.
They're abusing their power by going to peaceful protest where most people are unarmed and they're sh00t!ng them and throwing tear gas at them, now, it's not only to the people that are actively protesting but to people that have nothing to do with it as well (i.e: yesterday they threw tear gas inside a bus of ppl who were just literally trying to get home, and people at home are not really that safe either since a lot of protests have turned violent -i call it self defense tho -). I'd say most of us are pretty scared tbh.

I think this turned out to be pretty long lol, if you've read it all and wanna help; you can either sign here http://chng.it/bxYVjVK9 (ik these thing don't really do much but thank you u if you do it) or you can report the accounts of "Ivan Duque" and "Alvaro Uribe" on twt and instagram, you could also help us spread awareness of this with "#noalareformatributaria", really any of those three would be fine mad thank you if you do it.
04 05,2021
Lately i´ve spending too much time on mangago again and it just made me realize how much of an unproductive human being i am ;-;.I feel like at some point i might have to outgrown(? this and stop reading manga entirely if i want to stop being such a failure lol.

Am i the only that feels like one day maybe we´ll be/get(? too old for this? idk
11 02,2021
I'm asking just because i have a second lead syndrome,and so i need more likeable characters that aren't the protagonist.
You can say more than one, the more characters, the better lmao
22 07,2020
I remember that like 2 years ago, there was this trend that was about catfishing people on tinder/dating sites by pretending to be a not-so-known celebrity ( i just saw it happening with asian idols tho ) the trend was just people trolling others, and at the time i thought it was funny so i decided to try it out (i was young and naive, don't @ me), i did it like two times both times because i wanted to see how many people fell for it and troll them while i was at it, i obviously did it with no ill intent and i deleted my accounts like 2 days after creating them (bc i wasn't interested in dating and there was no point in leaving those accounts up) but now that i look back it, it was a pretty mean thing to do -and kind of disgusting if i'm honest- and i could've really damage(? the name of the celebrities whom i was using the photos of to catfish other even if it was just a simple joke, i also feel sorry to people i talked to even if it was for a day or 2.

Now that "i've shared my story" I just wanna ask, have you ever been catfished? if so, how did it feel? or if you've ever catfished someone? why did you do it?
19 06,2020