Kabi's answer page 1 (92)
Omg are we finally speaking about this Manhwa ??? Why are people even reading it ? I only read it because of the hype they were giving it back in 2020/2021 but honestly the plot is sooo plain and boring I had to drop it ! The black haired and twink were also soo annoying and blonde just pissed me off with his face no hate just opinions and questio......
05 01,2024
What the fuck have I stumbled upon
24 10,2023
I drop the story because it’s boring and THEN months later the story starts to get interesting so I have to re-read it but I don’t remember ANYTHING SO I HAVE TO READ FROM ALL THE WAY FROM THE START AGAINN
1 reply
29 08,2023
I am the best - 2NE1 not even a kpop fan but this song slaps harder any belt.
2 reply
06 03,2024
“ W-why.. me though..?
I’m not like.. her/him
...I’m not pretty/good looking.. ”
Like.. yea I get it. BUT IVE HEARD IT TOO OFTEN..
“ Ah.. why do I feel sad..? Why do.. I-I care ...? ”
“ W-what’s.. this feeling......
2 reply
17 08,2023
No kidding you’re asking such a hard question because I have so so so many of them... 3 main for NOW. OUR SUNNY DAYS WAS MEANT TO BE HERE.
3 reply
31 03,2024
BROO I found about that shit way before it got popular and honestly I didn’t care because I knew it was some oli London type of shit. It’s kinda sad seeing uhm kids not being able embrace themselves and try these weird products WHICH ARE NOT GOING TO HELP YOU CHANGE YOUR RACE. YOUR ETHNICITY. WHERE YOU COME FROM AT ALL. It’s sad and weird. Ho......
17 08,2023
Honestly speaking as a person who was exposed to this website at a young age. I’m fine and you will be too.. and to touch grass just take a good day off. Like any day and go to the park! Take a walk or go for a picnic! Do something you find fun :)) and stay safe!
2 reply
29 08,2023
Beautiful Johnnie guilbert and his beautiful boyfriend Jake Webber. They both also make music which is cool and I love their humour
https://youtube.com/@JohnnieGuilbert?si=qXRGg-PDmSOcX8ED https://youtube.com/@Jakewebber9?si=SxyS0zfQBf8NGI5E
3 reply
18 12,2023
WHAT THE F ARE YALL GOING ON ABOUT. IM IN ABSOLUTE PAIN AND SHOCK RIGHT NOW.. help I’m actually gonna cry wtf man.. way to ruin my night but personally I don’t like watching kdramas so this shit is just ballistically unfair for me.. I wish they’d just do animation just like they did for lookism! THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE BLASPHEMY .. and half the ......
1 reply
26 10,2023
I sometimes use my school old planners and draw on them. If I can find a paper and pen anything’s possible also I don’t have a consistent art style ! Just realised I almost y’all a whole sketchbook tour
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16 09,2023
Personally I don’t read much hentai or nothing but, when obsessed with each other comes I really tend to remember ‘Lady K and the sick man ’. It’s quite the wholesome and the sex is good too.
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04 12,2023
That’s such a red flag I’d understand if he don’t like BL but he likes GL ? I SMELL THAT FETISHISING FROM MILES AWAY AND THIS SCREEN. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!
06 11,2023
So true. Like please let me read in peace!!! This annoys me a lot hopefully mangago does something about it.. I really don’t wanna be looking at porn flashing my self every 5 mins. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
15 08,2023
I don’t mind getting killed by a hot mafia mommy!!! Sell my organs or do anything.. nah these are just fantasies.. I’d actually would just die no point whatsoever I’m neutral looking.. but my hopes are to have mafia lesbian sugar mommy choke me.. maybe one day.. ( ̄∇ ̄")
30 07,2023
Usually thisbut I ran out so after drying my faceand under the eyes like your cheekbones for soft af skin (no kidding my skin glides) also very good for hair!
19 03,2024
Meshinuma ! An amazing manga manga about a middle aged man who devotes his love to food. It’s all about him eating and how erotic his expressions are. Everyone loves him he’s adorable! If you’re a foodie yourself I bet you’ll love this because I sure do! He even has a small notebook where he keeps track of what and where he eats ! His chara......
1 reply
15 08,2023