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Im in need of threatening memes, my friend keeps calling me a little turd and i need to retaliate in some way. Ive run out of the ones i already have…
07 12,2023
Okay so, im really confused on what I want tbh.. I want to know if anyone else is having the same experience and can share some advice.

So basically, I am really confused on whether I want a romantic relationship or just something similar to the sort?

I dont want a sexual relationship, I hate kissing and the thought of having sex makes me afraid and disgusted. I want someone who I can rely on and in return they can rely on me. I want someone to hold close and to share my thoughts and feelings with. Someone who I can share words of affection with.

However, I haven't come even close to developing feelings for somebody and im afraid I never will. I am young (not disclosing my age for safety reasons ofc.) and im sick of people telling me I will eventually. Because if I’ve gone this long without even feeling attracted to some besides the normal ‘Oh, they’re pretty.’ What will even change in the future? Will i all of a sudden unlock romantic attraction after a certain age? Am i just not normal? I feel so frustrated and confused. I cant even tell my friends this because I feel they wont understand because they like other people have had feelings for other people and have dated before. I dont want to have to lie to someone to get these wants met, I want to feel loved and I want to love somebody.
17 01,2024
about question

i dont want to bother anyone either, I just want to speak to someone about shit but im either, not close enough to them, they’ll tell someone else, i dont want to bother that person with my issues. How the hell do I not have someone to speak too im losing my mind.
23 04,2024
I just had a friend genuinely check up on me and that shit just made me cry. ive never had that done before and it felt so nice??? Ive actually been struggling alot lately and ive never had someone notice before without me telling them. Like what do you mean you actually like me and im not just here bc I am a friend of the person who joined the group and I was dragged along with Im still sobbing while writing this I feel so appreciated??
19 03,2024
about question
Im AFB and I find myself wanting to be Androgynous, feminine or masculine at times. Like i don't want to switch any parts or something like that but sometimes I just get these feelings of wanting to look a certain way and I just feel icky at times when I can’t achieve that?? Its honestly so confusing having to put this into words Is anyone else having this same experience??
01 02,2024
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The other day I was walking into this shopping centre w my mum and this lady gave me the most DISGUSTED look ive ever seen in my life, which I can only assume was bc I either looked really gross (I had woken up like 30 minutes prior to this) or bc I was holding my mums hand (ive had so many people look at me weirdly for it, i wouldnt be suprised if this was the case.)

Either way, LEAVE ME ALONE AND DONT GLARE AT ME GODDAMN!!! I dont want to worry about other people when im just trying to go about my day. I dont understand why people cant mind their own business.
19 04,2024
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I personally hate it. I hate pecks on the cheeks most of the time aswell, like why does it have to be so wet? I put up with it from family but I would start bawling if a non family member did it.

Like bro please keep your slobber away from me
14 04,2024
about question
Ive been trying to find a translation for the name of it but i cant anywhere T~T I'll put the image in the comment thingy if you dont want to click the link
12 04,2024
about question
I've been so confused on whether what I've experienced or not is actually considered being bullied or it's just people being mean for the sake of being mean.

For alittle bit of context, I've been best friends with this girl for about 4 years. She always got verbally bullied like almost everyday. Like actually almost everyday. She's moved since last year because they ended up throwing gum in her hair and that was the last straw. Since then, they've made some comments towards me but it isn't what they did to her.

In my point of view it's more them being annoying more than anything, but I talked to my friend about it and she said that it's bullying.
For example to paint a scene of what theyare doing: two dudes who are apart of the same friendgroup of those people, constantly making small comments to me and another friend in class. Asking if I'm dating him because "girls and guys can't be friends." Which is stupid bc their friendgroup is mostly girls and they aren't dating any of them.
There were some other small comments and them constantly asking stupid questions to me. I can't say it doesn't effect me but it's honestly just more being tired at their stupidity. I don't even react to it so I don't know why they keep trying.
06 04,2024
about question
I dont understand why it is so exhausting. Nothings happening, im not being picked on anymore, I am happy with most of my teachers.

I come out of each lesson exhausted and wanting to go home, I want to interact with my friends but its really hard to do when im just too tired to do it. Im tired of putting up a front and pretending everythings okay, but I dont want to be vulnerable because what if this is just something which is just happening at the moment and it goes away. I dont want to open up about something just for it to go away within a week and cause unnecessary worry.

I cant even take a day off because ive already had too many days off this year and I dont want to fall behind.

I cant even catch up on rest on the weekends because i want to get back hours to myself that I missed from being at school.
02 05,2024
about question
Do you or do you not like ice cream cones?

Personally, never liked them. They taste strange and feel weird to chew but I know alot of people enjoy them, is there a certain aspect to them you like? Like is it the taste or the texture of how they feel when you eat them?
15 06,2024
about question
Like they can literally be doing nothing and they are so adorable. My cat just came up on my bed bc its bedtime and she usually sleeps on my bed with me and plopped herself near my legs so her back is touching me and shes purring away. I want to hug her tightly her oh my god.

Shes so cute its literally making me feel violent. I dont want to be violent but shes so cute i want to punch something.
09 06,2024
about question
Im not very fond of dogs, and when I express this some people act like ive throw their newborn into a lake while making direct eye contact.

I used to like dogs, I owned two dogs (-1 cause she died) I still have one and he is the most annoying little shit. I love him, but I would never get another dog after he passes. He stinks, no matter how much you wash him. He howls and howls to be let inside whenever I get home if i don't let him in right that second. He wont go outside at night unless you bribe him, he lets out these ROTTEN. AND I MEAN ROTTEN. farts which you need to evacuate for. He doesnt understand that I dont like getting licked, especially in the face.
28 06,2024
about question
I love my wolf cut but omg am I losing my mind from not being able to do proper hairstyles from how short it is..

What can help me grow my hair slightly faster? I dont have much money but I can save up to get some products if needed.
25 04,2024
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Ive been curious to see if other peoples cats also do this.

I got fake nails recently and whenever me and my cat are cuddling, shell start grooming herself like usual and ill put my hand in front of her cause why not, she starts grooming me too. I noticed she likes to chew on my fake nails? Im not sure why. She didnt do it before, she did occasionally chew on my fingers but she specifically goes for my nails after i got them.

Why? Cat experts please tell me
11 04,2024
about question
If you know what im talking about and have any links to clothing brands/ know any shops which which make clothes like that PLEASEEEEEEEEEE SEND ME THEMMM. CUTESY OR ALTERNATIVE IDC I LIKE BOTH.
19 05,2024
For me, it would either be or they are just TOO GOODDDDD I want to relive the experience of reading them again for the first time. I stg I was like ascending from my bed they were that good.
05 02,2024
I am not from america, I am Australian so i dont know if it tastes different over in America. My friends and I tried it once and we all agreed that it tasted like bad tasting medicine you would have as a child, it even made most of us feel sick.

Does anyone actually enjoy Dr Pepper or are they just masochists who like being in pain?
03 01,2024