ikigai's answer (7)

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01 08,2019
  2 reply
01 08,2019
yes go get that dick   reply
13 02,2019
23 08,2018
frenhc   reply
23 08,2018
I’m a beta so....nothing lmao. I’d just go on livin life (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜   1 reply
11 03,2019
Hihi! This is my first time trying to answer a question on mangago! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ My first "fictional" crush, I'd have to say, was Jim from The Office. lmao. but anime-wise, the first animated films i started watching were Studio Ghibli films so as a child i HUGE crushes on Howl from Howl's Moving Castle, Fio Piccolo from Porco Rosso, and......   1 reply
20 08,2018
Whenever I've gotten this question before, I've always jokingly replied with "guillotine" because I read somewhere that you're still conscious 7 seconds after being beheaded and I always wondered what it would feel like to not be attached to my body. But on a more serious note, I think I'd like to die on a summer day. A beautiful, blue-skied summe......   2 reply
20 08,2018
I'm honestly not sure. I'm like 80% sure that I may be bi/pan because logically it just doesn't make sense to me how when people ask a couple "would you still be dating s/o if they were another gender" and then the person being asked is like "no way." bc isn't it who they are as a person that you like? Honestly gender seems secondary to me when it ......   2 reply
20 08,2018