overexcited's answer (14)
girl, nothing is worth lising yourself, your identity. Stand your ground, if they do not respect your choice then fuck them. They weren’t worth it then. If he loved you fr he shouldnt be in davor for you to change your identity tf. Good luck sis
10 days
Im afraid i wont live up to my potential, im afraid all ppl will get bored with me, be dissapointed with me and leave me and i hate that. I lie a lot, its kind of a habit at this point. Im afraid that im a bad person and i dont want to be that, i have so many thoughts that overwhelm me af even such as cereal and why have they chosen a specifoc masc......
18 10,2023
Son’t worry, you just have to take some time and you will feel comfy around each other in no time! My first date was me being competetive with my crush so i dared him to go to a game center with me and see who is better (I WON) it was really fun bc we both like games and had soo much fun, later we went to the movies, then we got hungry but it rai......
1 reply
14 04,2024
Bro i just be gettin hoes at both forms pfthaha
24 08,2024
this is me, honestly i really like myself so i dont wish to be anyone else bc im thankful for being me^^ altough i am thinking about xhanging my hair color to pink but time will tell hahs
12 02,2024
wtf i aint readin all dat, tho i red some of it LOL its sick
tho i dod it again abd bro I CANT
1 reply
10 09,2024
im a sucker for a charismatic teasing girl and a clumsy antisocial gal
31 10,2023
if i have to be COMPLETELY HONEST i am disgusted by men, they are just awful(c" ತ,_ತ).
But maybe there would be an exception for a smart guy, who is funny, and cheeky, isnt a traumatized and a manipulative prick, ( ◠‿◠ ), a just a guy who is cheeky in public and cute and bashful when we are alone and would be respectful and supportive NO......
17 08,2023
Bruv im open about it bc mann- thats a normal thing everyone has, i dont annouce it to everyone, but when i need a pad, or take it off in a public restroom idc i just RIP IT OFF, also if someone asks why i dont look like im feeling okay, even if its my dad thats not really familiar with it, im open and talk abt it and explain some things to him so ......
16 04,2024