escape's answer (3)

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AGE: 30 GENDER/SEX: Female SEXUALITY: straight COUNTRY: philippines FIRST YAOI: ten count FAV YAOI GENRE: smut, adult, psychological FAV YAOI: works of Harada, Ogawa Chise, Psychedelico, Hashimiti Aoi and many more WORST YAOI: those with bad plot WHEN DID YOU START READING YAOI?: 2 years ago WHAT GOT YOU INTO YAOI?: The fact that everyhting goes in......   reply
09 07,2018
It’s ok to make mistakes. It’s ok to fail. It’s ok to feel scared and sad and lost. But don’t forget to pick up the lessons and stand up and move forward again. Treasure your family and make many memories with them. Try to have few but loyal and true friends and relationships because its quality over quantity. Try to find meaning and substa......   reply
10 11,2018
22 10,2018
Im 30 and i dont have one. And i dont really know if i like yo have children. But its uplifting reading your insights and stories. I guess you’ll just have to work out what life gives you or doesn’t give you.   reply
22 10,2018