Iceprince Hel's question (1)

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Heya! I came up with this question because I myself wonder about this all the time.
Sometimes i wish i was a guy, but i know that if i was a guy id wish to be a girl.

So, If you'd be the opposite gender, would you still like the same colors, shows, music etc? Would you still have the same sexuality? Would you still interact with the same people? Would your lifestyle be different?

☆My answer☆
For me, if i was a guy id probably still like the same things. So the color pink, cats, cute things, colorful animes etc etc. But the other side of me would still like super hero stuff, swimming etc.
The enviroment i grew up with is pretty open for "different" people.
Id probably still dye my hair, probably grow it long too since i like guys with long hair. I'd also still pierce my ears.
Besides that id try to be more fit and healthy (as a girl i put up lots of weight thanks to the pill).
Id probably be very, very gay (no not just for the yaoi). Because I have dated a girl before and you might say im childish af. But that girl COMPLETELY destroyed liking girls for me. I'm 10000% not attracted to girls anymore and ill probably never be. Which i don't mind, since i have a gr8 boyfriend and i find guys very beautiful (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Finally I might interact with the same people? Idk, some of them like to stir up drama. As long as the drama isn't with me it can be quiet enjoyable ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
29 04,2018