Kiki-_Cakess-001's question (2)

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about penpals
Hello! Fudanshi here! :3

So does anyone have Discord? It's a pretty good app, and I use it all the time. Sadly, it seems most people here use LINE. I've never used it, and I'm likely not gonna use it, tbh. So if you're cool, maybe you can PM me, and we can exchange Discord IDs. :O
08 12,2017
about penpals
Hello! Fudanshi here! :3

So does anyone have Discord? It's a pretty good app, and I use it all the time. Sadly, it seems most people here use LINE. I've never used it, and I'm likely not gonna use it, tbh. So if you're cool, maybe you can PM me, and we can exchange Discord IDs. :O
08 12,2017