kitty coroner's answer (4)

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You should just do it however and with whomever you feel comfortable with. Make sure it is safe and consensual for both parties and forget about the rest. Virginity is just a made up thing so why should you be embarrassed by it? If you are still freaking then just think everyone is a virgin at some point. On a side note there are plenty of people......   reply
19 01,2018
Some people just jump into the relationship pool right off the bat and they suck at it. Others just need to take some time to figure out who they are interested in. Girls I've grown up with started dating at 13 and are miserable and single at 26. While others wait till they are 22 and are happily married to the love of their lives now. Everyone is ......   1 reply
19 01,2018
Group date. It helps with the whole social thing. If you are uncomfortable with a one on one setting. While interacting with people figure out your own comfort zone. It may just be that you are uncomfortable with online interactions with strangers in a romantic setting. Or if you are like me you attract some weirdness. People build feelings differe......   reply
19 01,2018
Sometimes dreams are us trying to live out whatever fantasies we have of the other person in our head. Brains love jumping to conclusions. Like 1 + 1= ? The answer is window. Just because your brain thinks it doesn't mean its the correct answer for that situation. Just try talking to him first. If he's nice get to know him. If he's awful you can ge......   2 reply
19 01,2018