RancidLemons's answer (6)

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One day my wife saw me sitting in a chair weird and started crying. I told her it's not what she thinks but accidentally did finger guns and now she took the kids and left. It's so sad that she believed those stereotypes, we were so happy together. Even my boyfriend agreed. :'( .... Just because y'all are weird sometimes, yes this is a shitpost......   2 reply
27 03,2020
Rape and toxic relationships in yaoi is the norm unfortunately. That's why I prefer shounen ai stories, since they're the ones who seem to be trying to tell a story instead of just being porn. Because at the end of the day, that's the difference. Shounen Ai are love stories whereas yaoi has a 30% chance of being a well written porn and 70% chance ......   2 reply
24 07,2019
This is the worst mistake one can make. Don't fall for your best friends.   3 reply
05 04,2020
ABSOLUTELY! I will never always try not to read anything without an ending. There are very few exceptions but as far as I'm concerned, if your story is about a specific set of experiences that lead up to something then I have no reason to read it if it has no climax. Obviously this doesn't apply to stories that are slice of life or comedy etc.   reply
05 04,2020
ENFP -A I'm apparently an anti-hierarchy dreamer who loves people and crowds and is just a great guy. I mean, sure, but how the hell did this test figure this out with like 50 questions? lmfao I feel like this test is garbage. I bet if I go in and answer random shit I'll get a "personality" that has traits that also fit me. I bet every personality......   reply
26 03,2020
Em, hi! Is it ok if I ask you a few things about being a Demisexual? I haven't actually had the chance to talk to one before. I guess I just wanna know what you guys experience. Like, what is attraction like? How do you perceive gender and biological sex? Things of that nature. Anyone is free to answer and I also hope I'm not offending anyone, I'm......   reply
29 03,2020