NeetyNayd v 2.0's answer page 4 (178)

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Wha kind of "hitting" are you referring into??? Romantically or physically???   reply
23 05,2021
about question
Where is my "I just knew the ships but dropped it/never read it" CLUB???   1 reply
05 05,2021
Definitely weird and scary... My one of the boys friend's childish behavior and his good act of always be the victim of his fights.... And he so calm that you are the one asking for forgiveness and just received it wholeheartedly!!! Me and my friend fought one time... And called him out for passing his part pretty darn late and not in the right ......   1 reply
29 08,2020
So... Which one am I??   3 reply
23 05,2021
Totally cut her off my life... Traitors are my worst enemies!!!   reply
22 05,2021
Yes... It was traumatizing even for a girl like who had ADHD during my childhood.. Idk if I should thank having ADHD... But I had little recall time of that time because I am mentally incapable. I was 5 or 6 years old back then.. I remembered being pushed down in the side of an abandoned fish pond by my playmate of my brother.. I think he was 8 o......   reply
19 01,2020
Now, I am older and in post grad program I feel so much stupid EVERY SINGLE DAY!! ... Needs saving from my group mates when stucked.. Sucked at reportings and suprise questions make me all nervous... Failing my exams every week... .. Yeah, my life sucked...   reply
28 02,2021
Will post!!! even though no one knows about them at all..   1 reply
14 11,2020
I hate when people would say..... 1. Empty encouragements 2. Brushing your past life into your face Empty encouragements= example: 1. you can do it! You can still upside that bad situation you are in.... 2. Keep fighting!! Do not give up!!! ...... This woukd piss off some but listen to my take...... You know how bad your situation is and when peo......   reply
05 07,2018
about question
Update: BEEN HERE FOR TEN YEARS!!! I think this is the trend my old account has made.. not available... I am here since like 2012.. but the comment I found was from 2014 And... this is my current one It should have been longer but I have lost my old account... My account have either Daydz, Sei or Nayd on it.. YES! I HAVE SEEN ALL TRENDS OF BL ......   reply
23 07,2023
Tried 3 times and.. This is what I got. (Ps.. I do not get the 1st one, at all.. Relate to the 3rd one)   reply
24 07,2021
These are things that I am proud I quite nailed them.. Filipino Spaghetti Mango Float Pork Adobo Bistek .. I am also proud to nail different kind of stir fryed vegetables too   1 reply
15 02,2021
Being the minority when it comes to opinion... Cause you are always the one being oppresed all the time   reply
11 11,2020
This is cute though!!   reply
21 05,2021
about question
Am I weird, for not having any celebrity crushes???   reply
21 02,2021
about lmao
Oooh!! Me being the confidant of all of these men... Not bad.. I mean... All served differently.. For personal gain   reply
18 06,2021
No need to take vitamins cause you are always so fat... Like what?? ***dumbfounded**   reply
01 01,2021
This is the truth that most BL readers can't swallow up whole.. Rape when used as a plot device to develop "unproblematic romance" is not a-okay at all!! Even if someone has rape fantasies... You want it to be consensual.. I was guilty of tolerating "rape is okay" because of my naiveté.. I think, there are hidden problems that stems the "romant......   1 reply
18 07,2021
about question
Sorry. Can't afford to lose one of my senses. My job depended in all my senses.   1 reply
28 12,2024
about question
So weak this year when it comes to finances.. due to my bad decisions last year. Need to compromise a lot of stuff and I do hope I could do better financially this year   reply
03 01,2025