BLues Clues's answer (18)

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about question
When adults from the 21st C get transmigrated into the bodies of kids and suddenly lose the ability to think like an adult.   reply
21 12,2023
about question
it sounds like he's cheating. But even if he weren't cheating (not really probable but let's just consider this as well), it clearly shows a mismatch in your standards for loyalty in a relationship. So take everyone's advice, try to get as much evidence as possible and get out of that relationship. Life is too short to waste on cheaters.   reply
06 01,2024
i have a bunch: 1) the seme saying the uke is like a woman coz they moan/w/e (and in the same vein, referring to the asshole as vagina) it's so freakin tacky. Use the right gender and pronouns bro???? 2) NEEDLESS MISCOMMUNICATION. Like i enjoy miscommunication based confusions if it's funny/not prolonged. But sometimes it's so excessive, like 95% ......   1 reply
17 12,2023
WHY CAN'T YOU CLOSE THE DAMNED DOOR WHEN YOU LEAVE MY ROOM?! This happens every goddamn time!   1 reply
02 10,2023
I used to look slightly boyish when i was a kid, now i look kinda like this (but more plump) ^_^   reply
14 05,2024
Okay, this is going to sound extremely dumb, but hindsight is 20/20 so... Also this is gonna be a long rant coz I don't have the courage to tell this to any of my irl friends lmao SO, there was this internet friend I had, and we'd connected almost instantly (this is pretty rare coz I'm really shit at any kind of not-face-to-face communication, to p......   4 reply
10 12,2023
She can understand human thingamabobs like tellycopes and fashun, but what in the hell is this smooth monstrosity?   reply
14 10,2023
When i first read this, my immediate reaction was, "The friend is TA but maybe it came from a place of wanting to be closer to you than other alphas", like I'm not condoning their actions, but I assume they're interested in you, or codependent on you to an unhealthy degree. But the more I think about it, the more diabolical it all is. They tampere......   reply
28 04,2024
The people who strongly and staunchly stand up against all systems of oppression they are mired in, even if it costs them everything, like the Palestinians, the African and Asian diaspora who break out of the cages of white supremacy, the Uyghur people, critical thinkers, etc. feel free to add to the list   reply
02 12,2023
University lecturer lol   1 reply
09 12,2023
about question
Inconsistency.   reply
19 12,2023
Best thing you can do is reach out to a mutual friend and ask them to be a go-between for yall so you can try to figure out if those reels was him tryna gauge if you're into him coz he may be into you. But tbvh we only know what you think was important info so maybe your friend could help you figure out your situation better. You could also just ......   1 reply
14 01,2024
Around 10 years ago, when I started reading bl, there was a plethora of manga, and barely any manhwa in the genre. And yes, about 80-85% of the manga i read had some form of rape. Given how conservative japanese society was back then, a lot of this was meant to show how much the aggressor was "so passionately in love that they were compelled to act......   2 reply
06 01,2024
I absolutely hate it when the uke wants to top the seme but the seme just brushes it off or says some shit to the effect of "You'll never top me (or anyone else in the future)". It's especially annoying when the seme is a possessive dude who got a hold of the uke when the uke was a virgin (and most of the times the uke would have active aspirations......   1 reply
18 03,2020
Oooh rate me too pls~   reply
04 02,2021
about penpals
Heya! I'm kinda a closet fujoshi (my closest friends know I am one but my parents dont) and I don't really know anyone who is into yaoi manga either (/TДT)/ . I'd love to be friends with you (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ And yeah, I'm a 20 yo from India ^^   reply
18 11,2017
eyyy here's to being slightly more mentally youthful than my age ig   reply
17 12,2023