Kerrrr's answer page 1 (172)

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Well color me surprised. This is the weirdest, most roundabout way to be a homophobic troll I've seen in a long time. I hope you're really proud for confusing a bunch of children who know nothing about... anything, really.   3 reply
26 08,2020
31 07,2020
lol they threw a live grenade and ran for their life deleting their account I wonder if the reaction memes will be nice or of this post will pass by unnoticed because this shit got old really fast   1 reply
31 07,2020
This isn't "unpopular" but I'm part of the crowd that's kinda mourning for the dethroned traditional japanese manga as the most popular media over the vertical, full color webtoon format. The catalog EXPLODED recently with thousands of titles to choose from but honestly, the overall storytelling and art quality dropped a little. It still might be......   6 reply
04 10,2020
Seme in highschool looks well into his 30s. He's smart, popular and a jock. Uke has the demeanor of a small rodent. He's mostly ignored, nobody seems to notice he looks like a Calvin Klein model. He's the only member in an artsy club of whatever discipline. - "I'm not gay I just really wanna fuck that guy" X2 Suddenly all their friends are gay ......   4 reply
02 08,2020
ALL anime is BL if you squint hard enough~   1 reply
27 07,2020
*I'm not gay I just really wanna fuck that guy*   reply
09 09,2020
about worst sin
22 07,2019
*edit with factual info: NO there's absolutely no health risks and there's no such thing as "too many times". Related injuries might include a bit of raw skin if you use too much friction and mayyyybe some bacteria/yeast overgrowth if you are walking around with damp underwear all day long. No sharp foreign objects, no household DIY lubes, mind you......   1 reply
22 07,2019
Satanic orgy full of old coked out people seems a bit much for this website so I'll just leave it at that i guess. No regrets.   6 reply
19 08,2020
ewww math no thanks we can infer my results   reply
28 07,2020
The FIRST time I went outside for a run in months I ended up chasing this stray dog and her puppy for 2 hours until they let me bring them home. The puppy got adopted that same day and now Corona shares a bed with Gary the black cat. It's not much but it's something. This is her right now after putting on 4 kilos   6 reply
10 09,2020
about lgbt
Both parents always knew. I did sorta come out to my dad because they were divorced. I told him because I was in a relationship and people were talking, I knew he knew but we never directly addressed it. I had a little speech ready but 10 seconds in he laughed and said "yeah yeah I know you're a c*cks*ucker lol I know I know. Don't get aids!!!" he ......   3 reply
20 08,2020
I had managed to spend my entire life without listening to kpop but my 6 yo nephew started liking BTS *exactly* 6 months ago and that's all he listens to, pretty much. That's not weird, right?? Some of his friends kinda like them too but my little dude tries to learn the lyrics and choreography. I'm not into sugary over-produced pop music, I thou......   reply
20 06,2020
Every single person who has EVER told you that touching your own body is wrong is any or all of the following: a) masturbating daily b) masturbating daily to fucked up shit c) an asexual with no business dictating what you should or shouldn't do d) a repressed sad person hellbent on spreading their misery   1 reply
21 08,2020
about anal sex
gonna try to keep this pg13 and say it's like 85% different. Not really the same but not entirely, absolutely different either.   reply
13 07,2020
09 09,2020
I don't know if this counts but there's an abandoned elementary school near my house and it's full of chickens. Literally; hens and roosters. I'm salty af because I had to get rid of MY pet rooster when I moved here, only to find out about this illegal chicken farming bs a few days later.   1 reply
09 09,2020
Nope, I'm saving all my meltdowns for the christmas season   reply
13 10,2020
Assert your dominance by out-cringing her. She'll reflect on her own cringe faster if she loses all respect for you. Examples: -Tell her she's a normie for not reading the manga -"Wearing pajamas? pfff you don't know comfort until you try a luxurious silk kimono (from the wish app for like 2 dollars)" -"boyish? are you still adhering to stone age ......   3 reply
31 07,2020
about scared of
I think the autocorrect got you good, *intrusive. Professional therapist approved advice (totally out of context... ); just let the thoughts flow. These thoughts are NOT a reflection of your true feelings and even if they may be indicators of something going wrong with your emotions, the most important thing to remember is that you are in control ......   reply
28 07,2020
Hahaha cute question. Here's a screencap I just took on my cellphone: I earned my right to be weird many years ago. I mean, I'm not going to wear a shirt with Zaria prints all over, I don't enjoy making people uncomfortable. But you just get to a point in life where you just can't/won't go to too great lenghts to hide your love for fictional dick.   2 reply
20 04,2017
about scared of
my pathetic circumstances are forcing me to believe that a bunch of chinese men jumping and spitting on me sounds really really nice right now   2 reply
17 08,2020