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My ID is 'howdycowboy'. ówò;;; I am in big need for friends- please add me up.   reply
13 01,2019
In all honesty, being a Fujoshi only has a bad name due to the fact that other 'Fujoshis' has done this and has proven other people their point. There's nothing wrong with liking the BL genre, you don't have to beat yourself over such thing. If you find happiness in it then so be it, as long as you aren't doing anything wrong to the LGBTQ+ people, ......   reply
24 06,2020
I have depression but it is not medicated. I was diagnosed after getting caught as I attempted to kill myself last year, although, I was not medicated nor was I attending therapy. Recently, it got worse. The constant feeling of emptiness got to me, it consumed me some days and it made me feel emotionless. Some days, all my emotions come back to m......   2 reply
24 06,2020
In all honesty, I discovered it due to curiosity. It piqued my interest 'till today and somehow, it became an addiction. I found it as a way to forget my troubles and my reality, if the characters goes through something, I get stressed out about THEIR problem and never mine. Besides that, I found the art of some yaoi rather interesting and eye catc......   reply
23 06,2020
They do not know and I wish they would never discover that I do. If they did, then   reply
23 06,2020