Amy_chan's answer (2)

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My first crush was Kazuya Miyuki from Ace of Diamond. He's such a goofball, but a leader when his teammates need him the most. At first, when I first saw this question, I thought about whether I still feel the same way. It was a close call when it all came down to Shizuo Heiwajima from Durarara!! However, I'm now confident that Kazuya is still my c......   reply
19 08,2019
The first anime that I watched was Peach Girl. I was in the same boat as you where I didn't know what anime was, but after watching Peach Girl, I went searching for more! It was cute and I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, I don't remember the name of my first manga, but I do recall that it was also a very adorable, shoujo story!   reply
28 12,2017