⁺✧Ridora✧⁺'s experience (15)

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about question
Can someone tell me why this shotabait cover is the one choice of replacement when a manhwa/ga/hua doesn't have an official cover yet??? Like I get jumpscared every single time it's insane and "cover is't here"?? Seriously...   10 reply
21 10,2024
I can't take this shit any longer then I already have, why is it that each and every nigga I meet always have to need children??? Is it really such an important part of a serious relationship? If you want children that bad why can't you birth them yourself??? One moment they agree with you about not wanting to have any and 10 seconds later it's sud......   2 reply
25 09,2024
about question
Idc if i'm being a whiny bitch, this doesn't deserve an anime adaptation, out of everything it HAD to be this? Atp wake me up when an animation studio actually adapts peak and I mean almost all the yuri's out there that needs more appreciation   10 reply
23 10,2024
I read this a while ago but dropped because it was so toxic but i'm really curious on how it turned out in the end, and despite the ml being so awful he's handsome as hell, pls help me find it I barely remember anything   5 reply
29 09,2024
This is how I felt about this bro. I got 99 problems but liking this manhwa ain't one   5 reply
27 08,2024
felt cute might delete this later   7 reply
07 10,2024
about question
This manhwa is gonna be the death of me   3 reply
26 08,2024
about question
Grass is a type of plant with narrow leaves growing from the base. Their appearance as a common plant was in the mid-Cretaceous period. There are 12,000 species now.A common kind of grass is used to cover the ground in places such as lawns and parks. Grass is usually the color green. That is because they are wind-pollinated rather than insect-polli......   3 reply
18 09,2024
about friends
I've been eyeing this guy for quite a while, a huge friend crush but never really had the courage to actually talk to him for some reason but it's always been easier to talk to girls rather than guys in my case. Today in class he seemed like he needed huge help with his answers, he's looking all around the place and kept looking at me but didn't sa......   3 reply
26 11,2024
about question
I blame this on myself and me only. I always end up attracted, falling for someone who has no interest in me in anyways and it's getting worse, I would lie if I said i don't literally cry when that one person ignores me when I was the one who approached them when they didn't want any business with me. It's not even romantically, I always end up wan......   3 reply
08 09,2024
19 10,2024
about question
I really don't understand anything when str8 romance pull the "if loving you wasn't a sin" thing like IT ISN'T!?!? there really aren't many situations as to why a woman and man couldn't date especially if it isn't fantasy, y'all aren't even siblings lmao. Sure maybe religion but most of the time it's their parents that don't want them to date and h......   2 reply
07 09,2024
Birds don't sing they just fall from the sky, girls don't call and they never tell you why but that's just how they say goodbye~ goodbye~   3 reply
10 08,2024