Nakyo's answer page 1 (60)
The misogyny. People hating on female characters in BLs or any other genre because they exist while the Male Lead is literally raping the guy but yeah sure the girl is equally bad somehow
2 reply
30 07,2024
People who hate on women who are literally just humans and get treated like they are objects
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24 06,2024
That sounds awful. I'm glad I never really encountered them. But I don't really think it's an age thing. Being older doesn't save you from being dumb af.
23 08,2024
SasukexSakura, NarutoxHinata and ErenxMikasa. Just disgusting
2 reply
02 02,2024
Feminine Uke even tho the story was solid
22 06,2024
I really don't know why your friend had to tell u that tbh...why did they have to make it your business too
1 reply
26 10,2024
Kwon Hee Seo. It's weird, I know he is fcked up and everything is wrong with him but I can't dislike him
4 reply
26 08,2024
Stop projecting lol
02 11,2024
Hard to say because I like both ideas but Rin>>>>>
11 07,2024
Golden Retriever type Seme and black cat type Uke
1 reply
11 days
People who think capitalism is a good thing are dumb as shit and should try reading a book once, I hate yall
31 10,2024
Climate change. Humanity has a low chance to survive. To get a child because I think it's exciting only for them to have nothing to eat in some years after their birth is not responsible to me.
09 05,2024
I really love special/odd (or even creepy) looking character designs! It's too bad you barely see them :/
e.g. Midosuji from Yowamushi Pedal
2 reply
07 11,2024
I think you got some serious selfesteem problems. Get a backbone
22 02,2024
Naruto, AoT, JJk and now Oshi no Ko. My heart is only there to bleed apparently TT.TT
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17 11,2024
Loves animals/vegan
15 12,2023
Beta I knew it. Can't be bothered with Omevaverse bs (* ´ ▽ ` *)
14 08,2024
I run from it as if it's the corona virus itself. Hate it. I don't like omegaverse anyways but the second I see a child on a BL cover I give it up forever no matter the art or rating. It just destroys it for me.
27 05,2024