anna's question (3)

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Random thought but I keep thinking since collaboration is possible between authors, I wonder what authors would absolutely eat it up like put this duo to work on a new piece and watch them succeed or miserably flop. What do y'all think? Who do y'all think would eat up in a duo and flop hard as a duo for a new manga?
13 days
about question
PROBLEMATIC OPINION but I genuinely think that if it wasn't for what they were created for, loli/Shota's wouldn't have been so bad, I'm an artist and I LOVE cute things, whenever I see a loli/shota art my first thought is always "aww how cute" but I always get hit with reality when seeing the state of sexualization of these characters and It pains me.
I wanna draw my oc's like that but I'm pretty sure I'd only be called a pedø when it's not my intention at all.
I love those cutie pie characters so much who in the world decided it was a good idea to put them in the gooner category???
5 days
about question
Hi so I am in need of some advice, I'm 16, right now I'm being constantly harassed by my mother-.-
like seriously she doesn't trust my boyfriend meanwhile
it's been a long time time since I've been dating him and
I love him.sure I've been lying telling her that
we've only met just a month ago but what
assures her not to trust MY boyfriend I am urged to tell her a thing or two since she divorced
my dad after being with him all her life.
I feel like she's just trying to ruin it for me since
her love life is ruined. Any advice pls I'm desperate ╯︿╰
11 days