Cruchy_rollers's answer page 1 (545)

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about scared of
I’m gonna kill myself if that crusty dried up orange ass faced thing wins THAT MOTHERFUCKER WON   7 reply
05 11,2024
about anal sex
It probably has the biggest percentage of pedo’s than in any other community ever. Though this is more of a fact than anything. The amount of lolis or underaged girls I see drawn sexually in anime/manga/manhwa media is crazy…   5 reply
06 02,2025
18 12,2024
Nutman we know it’s you… guys please don’t join his server, I’ve been saying this from the start so please listen to me!!!!! This is just ANOTHER reason on top of others not to join and my hatred against it just keeps getting proved right. Edit: even if he didn’t do it, he’s invited the entire mgg to his server so I’m sure the person......   2 reply
18 12,2024
about question
0/10 ragebait   reply
22 10,2024
Do us all a favor and log off.   1 reply
06 10,2024
You never say anything nice about him anymore!*teary eyes* (about my brother who touches little girls)   1 reply
04 10,2024
about question
24 12,2024
Tf? Ai??? Bitch you write and draw that shit with your own sweat blood and tears, not fucking AI!!!??? Where the hell are you getting these dumb ass ideas from???   1 reply
24 12,2024
I get body positivity and stuff, but I feel lately that people are trying to make being EXTREMELY overweight ok and call it body positivity but in actuality, these people are killing themselves with their weight. Sometimes, you just need to loose it. Same with being underweight, it’s been normalized for a VERY long time, but it just gets worse an......   3 reply
3 days
about question
Motivation   reply
13 01,2025
about question
I’m pro you shutting the fuck up. No need to start dumb drama when the answer should be obvious.   1 reply
16 12,2024
about question
Btw this stupid fucking argument is about Love is an Illusion…. I wanna scream.   reply
09 01,2025
about question
None cause I read for plot and could give less of a fuck about art /gen   2 reply
14 days
BL is literally the exact same thing smh. People hate on straight stories for these reasons but then go and read BL’s with the exact same trope.   reply
26 days
about question
If it was Sevika’s ass, I’d do it for free   reply
26 12,2024
about question
12-40 I think   2 reply
19 11,2024
about question
These women are so damn attractive And Ik she isn’t real but she’s so fucking hot   2 reply
08 10,2024
about question
I hate people who hate on others for being different, like so what if we don’t want to be normal like you you dumb as basic hoe, go fuck off and mind your own business bitch I also hate homophobic, transphobic, racist, and sexist people, like how do you decide to wake and think, “let’s hate on people who aren’t like me just cause I’m inse......   reply
15 11,2024
about question
Ofc it’s weird what kind of question is that.   reply
28 days
about question
Ew fuck straights WUH LUH WUH FOREVER!!!   reply
16 12,2024
about question
16 12,2024
JayVik, is that even a question? I really need to start saving more fanart to my phone. I literally have none rn, they’re all on my ipad. Their names are Jayce and Viktor btw   4 reply
16 12,2024