Dantalion's answer page 2 (26)
I (sadly) genuinely believe being "ugly" is part of the reason, but I know it's partially my fault for not trying, like, how do ya'll meet new people?????
I'm happy in my own solitude since I don't know any better, and past meetings grossed me out and made me lose faith in men (don't start getting on my ass with "It's NoT aLl MeN", the question as......
02 09,2024
Check out devils and realist, great show
To have the full experience I suggest you google my name lol
1 reply
27 03,2024
Easy peasy
Eternety is not that cool
Source: trust me bro
If you want it phylosofical
Life has value because of death
1 days
I don't remember the manga but I was introduced to yaoi by junjou romantica, I just wanted to watch an anime on youtube, didn't even know gay anime was a thing lol
EDIT, after reading other comments I can see how many had the same experience, us oldies remember how junjou was the goat lol
10 06,2024