DeaththeGreat's answer (5)

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Isn't your brother the one who would have childhood trauma in this situation?   3 reply
16 05,2018
Companies are obsessed with "supporting" gay relationships nowadays. It's all about the money, of course.   2 reply
11 06,2020
DeaththeGreat 20 01,2021
Don't get used to it, he'll be dead in like 6 months.   7 reply
20 01,2021
AGE: 20 GENDER/SEX: Female SEXUALITY: Straight. I love men so much I can barely even stand to read straight romance because I get jealous of the female COUNTRY: USA! USA! FIRST YAOI: Iberiko Buta to Koi to Tsubaki FAV YAOI GENRE: Kind seme OR well-meaning but twisted character OR something with a guilt complex. (Gangsters are a plus) FAV YAOI: Mer......   reply
13 07,2018
Learn to shut your mind off, take a step back, and ground yourself in the moment. Basically I tell myself, if you can't think good thoughts then you're not going to think anything at all. Once you can do that, you can go back and look at what your thoughts are telling you, if there is some issue that you need to be dealing with in your life. But f......   reply
24 06,2018