Sgt. Foodie's answer (5)

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Anything along the lines of ecchi or harem. Its really annoying that the girls always "ACCIDENTALLY" flash the guy their boobs or panties, they might as well just walk around naked (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ And dont get me started on all those harem tsundere characters with their hot and cold personalities   reply
26 11,2018
I was 17, and had just recently ventured into the world of manga so I was really excited back then. Long story short it was out of curiosity, so now I unconsciously pair some anime guys together P.S I hope i'm not the only one   reply
30 09,2017
about penpals
I'd like to join too. My ID is kvngblack   reply
29 11,2017
I´d have to go with shota. I mean how nice exactly does it feel to do it with a kid, worst of all when its an elementary school kid and a man twice... or rather thrice his age. Then theres rape... I really dont even know how exactly to begin explaining all the problems with this one. Just seeing it alone makes me clench my ass so hard it literally......   2 reply
13 12,2018
Graysexual (⌒▽⌒)   reply
10 08,2018