Zelthyc's answer page 2 (31)

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When we were young my sibling and I would play games. Whenever we do, my sibling's username would be Mythic and I would be Celtic. Now I just modified my previous username by putting Z at the start courtesy to the initial of my real first name, then filling out the rest as long as it ended up sounding similar to (C)eltic, which finalized as Z-elthy......   reply
22 08,2023
The occupation can be guessed instantly.   reply
06 08,2023
about question
Uh... Kisses are WET?! I mean pecks. If it's just pecks why would it be wet... Unless they do the crazy and lick their lips to moisturize before pecking. Or it could be they use a product to keep their lips moisturized? Anyways if you don't like it just tell them not to do it or avoid. Idk if you're too weak not to   reply
14 04,2024
Zelthyc 21 02,2024
This is the closest I can recreate how I currently look   reply
21 02,2024
about question
Zelthyc 10 08,2023
Gotcha, finished   1 reply
10 08,2023
about have sex
Zelthyc 24 09,2023
Wow! (That's a genuine wow)   reply
24 09,2023
Wow it's nice having sex educ here. Good to know some facts   reply
14 02,2024
about question
Zelthyc 15 08,2023
Me here~ I know bj alex since it's one of the most popular bl or at least most talked at (I see a lot of people talk about it or reference it). But other than its name I don't know much. Oh right, and that it's hardcore¿ ish Is it recommended?   2 reply
15 08,2023
about question
Zelthyc 03 11,2023
Man idk you do be kinda delusional   reply
03 11,2023
Zelthyc 10 08,2023
What do you do after?/to calm it down or something. Shower? Or will it like go to rest if you just let it be?   1 reply
10 08,2023