Nan molla's answer (5)

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about question
THE FOCK IS THIS!? LMFAOOOO!! You need prayers, child.   1 reply
09 03,2021
about question
I'm cheeky (▰˘◡˘▰)   reply
07 06,2021
about penpals
Hello! If this is still open I would like to join too! I'm also 17 and my IG is @i_roma03.   1 reply
11 04,2019
about question
I don't think you are overthinking tbh. I do agree that it is frustrating to hear stuffs like that. I think, like most ppl said, you can speak about it to him. Trying to relate with each other is fine but invalidating other's feelings isn't. I hope your friend understands this. If he still doesn't care then i guess you just have to distance yoursel......   reply
09 03,2021
My first anime was The Naruto series! I guess it was a very great start for me and made me love anime. I am so glad!! And my first manga was Absolute boyfriend and it was my first heartbreak reading it! Loved it too(⌒▽⌒)   1 reply
01 10,2017