how is being uncomfortable around men sexist??? man yall need to stop using terms so loosely i would be the biggest sexist in this world if that counted as sexism reply
Emoticons aren't cringe lol. Cringe is dead, people should stop making fun of other people who are different, its not even funny... And just switch to ur phone if u dont want to see the forums 1 reply
when mfs are defending weird ass shit
fudanshis and fujos
corny and edgy adults. there are so many of them
i really get the ick when people on here have tiktok humor. there isn't anything remotely funny about saying homiesexual or no homo 3 reply
fujoshi that fujoshi this fujoshi blah blah yall like to ignore how fudanshis act the same wasnt there a fudanshi where he wrote he would like to rape all long hair men in this world something like that...
5 reply