butterscotch's experience (7)

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25 07,2023
nah bc whenever I'm in an argument with some mf online they try to mock me saying I like my own comments?? Like bitch yes I like my own comment because I know my opinion is superior and clearly the only right one. I like my own comment not because I'm an attention seeker that tries to act like no one disagrees with me, I do it cuz I seek my own att......   5 reply
15 09,2023
I'm genuinely curious how do you mess up that bad? cuz the reply box and comment box thing look completely different. No judging here I'm just so intrigued and I've been thinking about this for too long I can't take it anymore   1 reply
19 02,2024
the best thing that's ever happened to me this year is finding out ORV is getting physical english copies for both the manhwa AND NOVEL.literally me when I found out   4 reply
11 08,2023
Guys I know I'm weird for this but please don't call me weird I would rather die than be called weird to my face thank you very much but. I genuinely think something is wrong with me because I can detect whenever someone is specifically russian or not. I don't know what it is about them something in my head just tells me straight away, "that's a ......   2 reply
14 01,2024
I was trying to follow someone on here just now bc they're funny or whatever and then I noticed it's not letting me follow them for some reason????? and now I'm sad cuz what if they blocked me but at the same time wtf did I do to deserve it?? I swear I didn't do anything to get me cancelled here so why am I blocked (this is me overreacting but plea......   1 reply
12 09,2023