Ratfucker ★★☆☆☆'s question page 1 (70)

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1."Where does the blood go when embalming, FishSticks? Do you use buckets?"

-The blood goes to the municipal sewage system.

2."FishSt1cks, why did you become a mortician?"

-The human body is amazing

3."Does FishSt1cks like fish sticks?"

-I fucking hate fish sticks

4."FishSt1cks, does embalming fluids have different scents?"

-The company I work in does not allow scented fluids, but i heard there are some lemon scented

5."FishSt1cks, do you glue the eye shut?"

-No. We use plastic eyecaps to keep them close

6."FishSt1ck do you remove the teeth of the person?"

-We cannot do that it's illegal

7."FishSt1cks, what organs do you remove from the body?"

-We don't remove them actually.

That's all. Bye.
26 days
about question
I'm going to kill myself
09 02,2025
about question
Favorite flavor and taste of toothpaste, mouthwash, mouth spray or any delicious oral products!
29 11,2024
about question
Bring back Public execution so i can see this bitch's head being cut by a rusty blade and then drag her headless body around town with her head on a stick (She's a pedophile and a rapist has gone to court but later pardoned)
14 02,2025
about question
do they like being degraded?
15 days
about question
Goregrish.com, is a very fucked up place necro, suicide, murder, Drug overdose and accidents are posted there. It's 2012, I was 14 at the time I joined this website. My friends suggested me this website because they made account in there and wanted me to join. There they posted racial slurs and made fun of the people who died in the videos. The comment section is horrible. But for me that site is the reason I became a mortician. Autopsy videos and embalming pictures were posted there and it really helped me know more of the human body.

22 02,2025
about question
I'm taking a break from stoning and hiking is the only way to keep me away from smoking blunt, any recommended mountains or places i should camp and hike? Also Mount Everest is off the choices since I've camped there before! (From Boogiee)
02 02,2025
about question
Just now when I was scrolling through youtube shorts, I came across a OFFICIAL DC GAME where Joker has superman tied both of his hands with kryptonite rope and RUBBING him on the chest with a kryptonite Batman looked fucking shocked.
8 days
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Like the "Bonerrr Bonerrr" or "Gender me this"
21 02,2025
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Fr tho everywhere i look either there is shit or a decomposing body every camp there smells HORRID people shitting and covering it with snow also camping there feels like your last day
31 01,2025
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(It's fishSt1cks asking again)
17 02,2025
about question
I don't care who's titties men or women JUST GIVE IT TO ME
19 01,2025
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You thought I was bout to go kurt cobain style, huh? Well no I'm going to buy a massive Dildo. Got any sites that sells a monster cock? Not joking I really want to try it
4 days
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Make it gruesome and disgusting
30 12,2024