hamster's answer page 3 (52)

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03 11,2024
book of life and Perfect Blue   reply
03 11,2024
LOL reminds me of when my highschool used to go on lockdowns/lock ins like every month and if the elementary school nearby got a threat we'd go in lockdown too. The only good parts about lock ins is that it'd kill time because it usually took a few hours since police and swat teams had to throughly check everything. Lock in's (which we frequently h......   reply
02 09,2024
about question
probs like 13 to like 53 lol   reply
19 11,2024
about question
4 days
about eat food
fritos, a chocolate granola bar, and water   reply
20 days
i miss the nice memories we had but im also glad i dropped them cuz they were lowkey toxic LOL   reply
08 07,2024
about question
02 07,2024
what the sigma   reply
02 07,2024
about question
count what you have now   reply
23 10,2024
about question
not fandoms, just anime dudebros and pixiv/twitter users   reply
20 09,2024
about question
Telling a guy im playing fortnite instead of straight up asking him 2 play. He's a nice but awkward and lowkey kinda slow guy but i thought he'd pick up the hint   1 reply
02 09,2024
about question
The last song i listened to was buriburi by balming tiger edit... i just checked apparently it was Cherry bomb by tyler the creator gulp but buriburi is goated so i'll leave it WAHOO!   1 reply
18 09,2024