Shh's question (20)

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about question
Shh 25 03,2024
Yall remember that era of mangago where you couldnt make comments and the forums were shut down? Still makes me shudder to this day
25 03,2024
about question
My parents lied and said if you eat watermelon seeds it would grow inside of you. now i just eat it with the seeds because i have no time to dig my hands in those mfs anyway my dumbass stayed away from watermelons like the plague
30 03,2024
Shh 29 05,2024
Why do i consistently see someone make a topic they wanna talk abt then mofos in the comments are like "why are you saying this here" or they just make an effort to disagree on literally anything even if its a relatively neutral topic? you are contributing nothing to the conversation and just sitting behind your screen hating and for what? genuine question.
29 05,2024
about question
Shh 04 05,2024
Show the most out of pocket thing from your notes app. cant be the only one with the most insane or downright random shit in my notes
04 05,2024
about question
Lowkey curious , and if u want to drop ur fic cause im bored
23 04,2024
about question
i swear my english teacher hates me... we had an essay to write and honestly i thought i ate that shit UP, i was pulling out metaphors from my ass left and right, throwing in those idioms from my heart and soul only to get fucking 23/50. the only thing i do good in is language because then she has to mark fairly for once. Mind you I've always done good in essays with my former teachers... so what the fuck happend. Still waiting to get that essay back so I can talk to her. I think she still has a grudge against me because I did something disrespectful ONCE. sorry i'm too emotional for this shit but i was genuinely dissociating for a good while after that. How do I bring it up to her?
07 04,2024
about question
Did anyone else just stop watching anime? I remember in like 2020-2021 i could watch 24 episodes of an anime a day but now i cant even start an anime. The last anime i actually sat down to watch was spy x family. its kind of sad because those were like the best AND worst years of my life
1 days
about question
Whoever came up with the pronunciation of acai, count your days. Also why is COLONEL PRONOUNCED KERNEL???? It was purely made to embarrass anyone who had to read it outloud.
07 04,2024
give me your funniest man/wha/ga/hua screenshots RIGHT NOW i need laughter
27 03,2024
about question
Im curious about some unpopular opinions... (dont attack anyone, lets keep it civilised )
13 04,2024
about question
Shh 07 04,2024
you ever read those toxic romance mangas and catch yourself smiling for a second but then have a sudden realization that you would absolutely hate the mf if you ever saw him in real life? most humbling experience cause why tf was i smiling. These manhwa boys are nothing without their appearance, theyre one twitter post away from being socially executed if they were real and ugly asf. pretty privilege strikes again ig?
07 04,2024
Let me go first: when my art teacher ripped my assignment and threw it on the floor infront of the whole class and like a few minutes later she asked me for it and in my mind i was like "BITCH YOU JUST THREW IT ON THE FLOOR??!?!?" it was my first class of the day and i was holding back tears, when i got home i started bawling like a newborn baby. If you havent been traumatised by a teacher once in your life, i envy you
21 05,2024
I keep seeing the same 2 designs for bl characters just interchanged once in awhile (blonde hair blue eyes, black hair black eyes) combo, u get the jist like mfs needa switch it up
26 03,2024
Shh 26 03,2024
Mangago needs to make it possible to post images on topics or forums u make like i want my silly little images rn. I cant live without them they express my energy perfectly. Kaomojis aint doing it for me personally ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
26 03,2024
about question
Me and my friend were talking about relationships and she mentioned she can't see me having a boyfriend. What am i supposed to do with this information?? Do i feel insulted, yes greatly, should i be?? Idk. can people learn not to be unconsious assholes
22 04,2024
about question
Shh 14 05,2024
If you were locked in a room and you can only bring one manhwa/manga/manhua with you, what would it be.
14 05,2024
Why do people dislike the simplest comments on mangago, even if its not something offensive. Maybe im too overly self conscious and care too much about random strangers but i just need a reason why though because if someone just dislikes how am i suppose to argue with that huh, what did i say to offend you, i need to know .Leaves me thinking sometimes.
03 04,2024
Shh 30 03,2024
does anyone got home remedies to clean pores? That also doesnt let you breakout. im tired of wasting money on expensive skincare products and pills that dont work. my bank account is looking drier than the atacama desert. Why do I ask on mangago of all places? I just want honest opinions because Google isn't as reliable as people think.

If anyone says semen face mask ill kms dont even
30 03,2024
Why is pedophilia so normalized? I've done some research over authors writing those tremendous age gaps and how are none of them arrested? Its legit child corn my guy. "Its just a drawing" yeah its a drawing of a child and adult engaging in sexual acts. When does the line between fiction and reality cross? When do these creeps take the next step out of their fantasies and make it reality? Pedophiles read these mangas because they have easy access. When will people realize this? Its not normal behaviour to read those types of mangas, get help. And dont even try interacting with this If you're gonna defend shota, you're not entitled to an opinion. Im just sick of it
03 04,2024
Shh 27 04,2024
If you're seeing this, you lost the game, gotta restart now. (●'◡'●)ノ
27 04,2024