whatevermans's answer page 5 (121)

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mine is 1 minute old i signed up by mistake. ottoke?   reply
13 04,2024
why would i care about anyones profile bro   reply
03 04,2024
The toilet stalls in both girls' and boys' bathrooms didn't have doors in my school   2 reply
19 11,2023
You are not bad but what you did was bad. You are feeling guilty because you are not bad and you know that two wrongs don't make a right   1 reply
14 09,2023
leo tolstoy "resurrection". why aren't you following your own question though   2 reply
10 04,2024
about question
Ppl in the comments saying that only in the 3rd world countries 1m is a lot, not true, it's also a lot if you are from Europe... though it's bs anyway considering 1m is 16,6 years worth of average american salary   reply
27 03,2024
anger issues (● ̄(エ) ̄●) deal with it not as 'gamer rage', but as what it's actually is. a quote for you "The reasons that we experience 'gamer rage' are no different from those for road rage or any other sort of anger management issues. It is often rooted in the perceived feeling of not being good enough or being mistreated, and it is ha......   1 reply
20 days
boring cuz it's true   reply
01 08,2023
about question
subliminals? nothing is worthy of your suffering. don't starve yourself   1 reply
18 04,2024
I have read several works (novels and short stories) of Margaret Atwood and I hated them all. Can't tell the exact titles, I forgot... why? too damn depressing. Also I hated Alex Garland's "The beach", it was interesting at first, but I ended up feeling really traumatized by that book. and also scared of sharks. and I was on my way to the sea when ......   1 reply
02 05,2024
We will never destroy each other don't worry. The best thing you can do for the planet is to just keep on keeping on...   reply
16 11,2023
Surpassed my other stellar comment with a theory that JK was raised by hyenas   reply
09 11,2023
Yes and I have completely overcome it by actually allowing myself to feel suicidal instead of judging myself for it, distracting myself, trying to sweep it under the rug. It was incredibly tough though and the majority of people can't do this process without professional help. Find a mind-body specialist and re-connect with your supressed emotions.   reply
31 07,2023
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the title alone gave me the heebie-jeebies i can't believe yall thirsty for him   reply
16 02,2024
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your feelings are valid   reply
18 04,2024
even when it's the first time, it's not that hard to make someone loose tbh. all this bs about working on it for weeks or months is beyond ridiculous. like authors project maybe, like if bottom is too easy, they are a hoe. other than that i don't have any explanation cuz like google exists it's impossible to "just not know"   reply
20 04,2024
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i don't really have a mnggo acc i'm busy living my beautiful life but thank you for asking   reply
25 04,2024
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KOISURU BOUKUN but now I can understand how ppl can like unimaginable stuff. bc of trauma. trauma fucks up our perception   1 reply
03 11,2023
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I always want to call ppl in the nicest way possible so I get your struggle ╥﹏╥ Personally I got called "girl" so many times on this site (one time someone even called me "pookiana" lmfao), I am now immune to it/it's gotten fun, but not everyone is like that. also listing your preferences in your bio is helpful i think   1 reply
17 04,2024