_bananasucker's answer (11)
bruhhh, it's better not to spread that meaningless question, but I do have smth to say..... getting bullied in a manga porn site is beyond abnormal, idk who she is, but she must've did something dumbass that triggered this community
07 04,2024
damn, might as well ask mangago which underwear color I'm gonna wear for my job interview
4 reply
11 03,2024
im a horny demon (jin) hungry for yaoi cuz-
24 12,2023
How to make meth!
1. Gather your materials you will
1. 1 gallon of pseudoephedrine
2.1 gallon of acetone
3. 1 gallon of hcl
4. A large glass container
5.a coffee filter
6. A rubber band
7. A spoon
2. Prepare your workspace.
Make sure your in a well
ventilated area cover your
surface with a newspaper or
3. Mix pseudoephedrine with the
1 reply
09 04,2024
hear me out simps, but probably twisted shit like love triangles, and bls from webtoon, never once I've desired to one of these read these
11 03,2024
Bruhh, this porn site is getting out of hand, first the sucking ur own dick, and that angry bird one. Now there's someone complaining about getting cyberbullied in porn site... bruh u don't get cyberbullied in this community unless u did something major that offended simps here, anyway who's UNO anyway?
1 reply
07 04,2024
idk why I'm here talking in a porn site about makeup but fuck- I honestly prefer natural clean girl make up that makes me look fresh and, school air proof that lasts all day.
1 reply
12 03,2024
shit, this reminded me of an expired soy milk drink that made me gag it tasted like horse puke, but held it back just to make my friend try the "fresh soy milk"- guess what she took a massive gulp and I still remember the expired milk coming out out her nose and then she proceeded to vomit like hell, after that she ignored me for like 3 weeks-
but ......
12 03,2024
WTF- this is way worse than that angry bird comment
04 03,2024
and bruhh someone actually told me to "just tell the teacher u wanna dance with him cuz u like him", damn I got to atleast have a confidence like Jojo Siwa.
16 04,2024
As someone from a manga porn site,(you may read this is a narrative British accent) I recommend natural white gooey juice. With it's natural gooey and slimy texture (in picture) it has so many benefits as a skin moisturizer. You may apply it on lips, feet, face and an an internal moisturizer. Finding this product is very easy, as it is always arou......
5 reply
09 04,2024