Roky's answer (19)

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U asked the right girl   3 reply
06 02,2025
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VEIL VEIL VEIL VEIL I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND EVERYTIME I READ IT I HAVE THE URGE TO DRAW AND BECOME A RUSSIAN OFFICER TOO LOOK AT IT Also my absolute worst are the weird joesi arab prince stories who tf made those and the repetitive manhwas   2 reply
09 02,2024
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Istg it ain't my phone or my skills my city is just beautiful   1 reply
09 02,2024
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I want a man to fight colonisation while writing poetry to me a bug intelligent man that is obessed with is 6 am i haven't slept yet and i don't feel real rn don't mind me   reply
26 02,2024
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Help the aunties want to beat me wallahi i will help yall with tue mahshy   reply
09 02,2024
about anal sex
Manhwa is mostly recycled plot. Rarely do i come across something that genuinely intersets me that's manhwa. And don't get me wrong the ones that do i genuinely obsess but it's hard to find a genuinely good one that isn't something i have read before and isn't also god awful. Like the plot can be good but the characters are trash (weither design or......   reply
06 02,2025
about question
Oh so u in deep deep shit. Rabana m3ky genuinely worried for you. But in all respect you were dumb for buying physical copies in a homophibic household. :D...GIRL WHO DOES THAT.   1 reply
06 02,2025
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What the actual fuck am i reading rn   reply
09 02,2024
Like i see where you are going and it's great. But like there are other ways to do so. It's uncomfy and i feel like a large majority of the time it's uncomfy. It's reptitive like yall be using the same template of the gacha mini movies istg like i want depth i don't just want the family drama or the weird ass trumatized couple. I also wanna hear ab......   1 reply
30 12,2023
Confusing (i literally have no idea what's going on and it scares but i am gonna laugh about it for now or else i will cry)   reply
30 12,2023
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Mine is fear and hunger, who is lila and faith the unholy trinty. I like games with a unique mechanic and a good story/ lore   1 reply
4 days
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I guess religiously (my religion) it would be "servitude towards god" But personally i think it's learning and forming yourself through what you have been through there will be times where you don't know what you are or what is happening or what's the meaning of this After all we are on a floating rock and goverments are shit and wars are still a t......   reply
04 06,2024
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Fuck the french no one like them and if you do you are lying to yourself shhhh   reply
09 02,2024
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I am gonna be honest with yall...all this site did was give me truma and access to things i shouldn't have seen or read and i once saw a real ripped stomach in this asking space and people gettinv doxxed so umm...ya   1 reply
10 02,2024
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Roky 29 02,2024
Damn i thought this was a recommend it all but i will stay say plz plz plz listen to a women named fairouz i am middle Eastern and we love her she just has great classy songs like aloula and kaifik and addeysh kan fy nass Just try it plz   1 reply
29 02,2024
about question
THIS IS WHAT I NEEDED a man who fights of colonisation while writing poetry a very intelligent hunk of a man who is a simp I am an arab i grew up reading middle eastern history WHILE reading what they have sent to their wives and lovers AND THAT...THAT...ruined me it ruined me It didn't help when i started reading historical iseaki that had like ......   2 reply
29 02,2024
about question
So i stopped reading bl, gl and straight romance for a reason yall Is because its all mostly shit the sexualistion, sexual harrasemnt, and literal abuse in manhwa is just so normalised and i will not be contributing to this shit no more And not only that main characters are so one demonionsal and so icky and male leads/ female leads in gl are also ......   reply
09 08,2024
about question
I am quite a hypocrite in alot of things than i wamt to i am commuinst but i do find myself consuming way to much and like i say i hate gold cuz in my country nowadays it is seen as being from the country side but i am from the "countey side" and absolutely love gold and pur traditional jewellery but like our economy is dying anyway so   reply
09 02,2024
about question
Roky 10 02,2024
May your friend rest in peace and hope you have a happy life As someone who had suicide attempts sometimes us ourselves aren't sure it isn't something you plan exactly atleast to some and when we reach out the people around us they aren't sure themselves and think we won't do it or we are just acting so to us it's like...are we actually? Or are we ......   reply
10 02,2024