DI3HARD139's answer (7)

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20yr old gay male here!   reply
04 07,2018
Uke but will also be seme when needed/wanted.   reply
16 07,2017
I was 14 when I first started exploring Yaoi. Will never regret or second guess it.   1 reply
01 10,2017
I'm still a virgin because I'm anti-social and have major Social Anxiety. As such its a major pain to communicate with others at times. Especially in groups/crowds. :/   reply
05 10,2017
While I normally hide the files on a 2nd Hard Drive in my main desktop, there was this one time where I was too lazy to get out of bed so I used my TV as a monitor. Well needless to say this was a bad idea. Mother walks in while Im reading a rather explicit dj and yeah. That made for a loooong moment of awkward silence followed by the "Are you gay?......   reply
03 11,2017
I would go get my gender changed back.   reply
21 01,2018
DI3HARD139#6969   5 reply
22 10,2018