Sorry-_-'s answer (5)

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I'm sorry this happened to you and I'm wishing you the best of luck please make sure you take care of yourself and stay healthy And to answer your question im not good with names but if its a boy name it Samuel or like Benjamin and if its a girl Victoria or Jayden idk ☹☹☹ I'm sorry   1 reply
03 10,2024
about question
10 10,2024
Do they look like a boy or gal..   2 reply
10 10,2024
about question
Because I’m still hoping I can get better even though I’m doing worse at the moment   reply
15 days
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Ts genuinely has me cracking up   reply
4 days
about rolplay
Yea I mean what is he gonna do talk to me?   reply
14 08,2023